Dog Mom Issues Important Reminder After Pup Refuses to Go on Trail

CC @kenergetic_/TikTok

Your dog is your best friend for a lot of reasons, one of which is that they'll always have your back. One woman is really thanking her Pit Bull's sixth sense, which kicked into gear when they were on a walk recently and he felt that something was off.

It's almost spooky how dogs seem to know that danger is around.

Kendry was out for a walk with her white Pit Bull when the dog got creeped out.

"My dog LOVES this trail. He REFUSED to go further when he saw this car and guy further down," she explained in the video's onscreen caption.

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In the video you can see the moment that the dog spotted the car and got spooked.

"He would walk a couple of steps then stop," she explained. "He was also on high alert the whole time," she added.

Eventually Kendry decided it was best to turn around and go back to their car. No walk was worth making her dog stressed.

"Always trust a dog’s instincts. I was a little paranoid after this," she admitted in the caption.

It seems like there were many people in the comments section who also trust their dogs' intuition. "My rule number one....I always listen to my dogs instincts!!" one person exclaimed. "Good boy! He said no mama it’s not safe!" another man praised. "My dog did this on a walk and it turned out there was a guy hiding in the bushes [and] when I turned around he followed me until cops came. Always listen to them, they know when danger is near," one woman shared.

Signs That a Dog Senses Danger

Lots of people claim that their dogs know when danger is around. And it seems that dogs do have a reaction when there's trouble. Here are some signs that your dog senses something is off.

The first sign makes total sense. Your dog wants you to know that there's danger ahead, so usually they'll bark, growl, or whine. This is your dog's way of getting your attention and letting you know that they're scared or threatened.

Your dog will hide if they're really scared of something — or someone. We get it. Humans hide when they're scared too! If it seems like your dog is hiding for no real reason, take heed. There might be something else going on.

Guarding is another way that dogs protect themselves. They may guard their territory (aka, your house) when danger is near. So if you see your dog standing in the guarding pose, it's probably a good idea to poke around.

Of course, it's important to note that there are lots of reasons why dogs exhibit these behaviors. But if you're picking up on something strange and your dog is showing one of these signs — well, it might be time to get away from there area ASAP.

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