Does this ‘floating’ home have ‘house on the rocks vibes?’ Zillow Gone Wild says yes

A house that is getting ready to go up on the real estate market in Duluth, Minnesota, has quite the reputation already. It’s called the Erickson House, and it will go up for sale for $750,000, according to a coming-soon listing.


The cool part? It looks like it’s floating.

“Without hesitating I’d say it’s the most interesting house I’ve ever been involved with listing,” listing agent Jessica Buelow with Edina Realty told Racket. “It is the epitome of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—where else are you gonna buy a house on a bridge? Or have the chance to?”

Consisting of three-bedrooms and three-bathrooms, the 2,452-square-foot residence comes with some pretty wild features, including:

  • “Open concept great room”

  • Tree views

  • Indoor pool and shower room

Unfortunately, there are no photos of the interior, but Racket says those will be up soon. The listing also does not including inside photos, just yet.

The mystical-looking home immediately caught the attention of the popular social media real estate page Zillow Gone Wild. Real estate fans were highly intrigued by its structure.

“It has stood since 1959 so I’m sure it’s solid,” one person said. “I love it.”


“This is the perfect house to evil-genius style trap doors,” another joked.

“I just keep thinking how much work it would be to bring in the groceries,” someone pointed out.

“The back looks like the place the car flew out of in ‘Ferris Bueller,’” one person said.


“I don’t need a house that is a visual representation of my life. I want a house with solid footing so I have the illusion of stability,” someone joked.

“What you got against basements, Duluth?” another tweeted.

“Some mild House on the Rock vibes,” one person noted.


Duluth is about 155 miles northeast of Minneapolis.

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