Designer Opens Ketamine Clinic on Madison Avenue

Dress designer Jay Godfrey has opened a location for Nushama, the ketamine clinic he cofounded, on Madison Avenue.

Patients will walk into a colorful space with psychedelic forest murals adorning the walls and faux flowers blooming from the ceiling. The vibe is meant to help patients along their “journeys,” Godfrey told media at the opening party on Wednesday.

“It’s not supposed to feel like an office, we want it to feel like a journey center,” Godfrey said. He believes clinics like Nushama are the “future of how mood disorders are treated,” he said.

Prospective patients will have to go through a medical screening process in advance of treatment at Nushama, according to Dr. Steven Radowitz, an internist and the center’s medical director. The high-dose ketamine IV treatments the clinic offers are intended to help people overcome mental health conditions including depression, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and chronic pain, according to the Nushama medical team.

Once medically cleared, patients begin their journeys with breath work and intention setting, before being dosed. Nushama takes health insurance, said resident anesthesiologist Elena Ocher, including Medicare. Without insurance, the treatment costs about $4,000 for the recommended seven sessions, cofounder Rich Meloff said.

The Madison Avenue location is Nushama’s third. There is another location on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, as well as one in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Meloff said the company’s goal is to open 35 spaces over the next five years, with a focus on the Northeast.

“It’s the beginning of the psychedelic renaissance,” Godfrey said.


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