Democrats fear retribution for their retribution, here's what's really happening

Democrats are the masters of projection. What is projection? In psychological terms, ‘Projection’ is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal or object. Today, in pure political terms, it is the political left, as embodied in the Democrat Party, accusing Republicans and Donald Trump of the very things of which they are guilty.

When Joe Biden and the Democrats have no accomplishments they can tout, they go back to their old tactic of waving the bloody shirt of an “insurrection” that took place only in the fevered brains of the leftists, a few milquetoast Republicans and their legacy media sycophants. Of course, we’re all talking about Jan. 6, 2021 here, where a handful of people got out of control during an otherwise peaceful demonstration and did some damage to public property.

Contrary to the false narrative peddled by the left, the only person killed during the Jan. 6 riot was an unarmed female Trump supporter and Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbit. Babbit was gunned down by an overzealous Capitol Police officer, Michael Byrd, who had a very checkered history in his handling of firearms. Despite his shooting of an unarmed protester who posed no threat, Byrd was later promoted, but is now the subject of a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit filed by Babbit’s family and Judicial Watch.

Democrats need 'insurrection' myth to counteract 2020 riots

Dwight Weidman
Dwight Weidman

The Democrats needed that false narrative of an “insurrection” to counteract the very real death and destruction that took place in the 2020 riots at the hands of leftist groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. The Democrats and the media love to say that 93% of these riots were peaceful, based on the topline of a partisan study by Roudabeh Kishi and Sam Jones at the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) described in a Sept. 8, 2020 National Review article, but that figure conceals the sheer enormity of the death and damage caused by the left.

In the leftist riots of 2020, at least 25 people were killed, according to an article in the Guardian, and many sources, such as the National Review article cited above, have fixed the property damage at well over $400 million, including many small businesses that were serving the communities destroyed by the left. All of this took place with nary a peep of disapproval from the Democrats, and their later feigned horror of a few people acting stupid in a public place on Jan. 6, 2021 was their projection of their own sins on another group with whom they disagreed.

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The 2020 riots were merely a continuation of leftist protests and violence, mostly directed against Donald Trump that began the moment he announced his candidacy for president in 2015, as outlined in this Wikipedia article. Add to this the two sham impeachments against President Trump that took place with no due process or hearings, the type of which the Republican House is affording Biden and his family today, and you have a classic case of retribution and revenge against Trump and conservatives.

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Retribution for what? Retribution for trying to reverse the left’s nearly fatal deconstruction of America put into place during the eight years of America’s first anti-American president, Barack Obama.

You see, it just wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Hillary Clinton was supposed to follow Obama and put the final nail into the lid of America’s coffin, but a rough-edged New York business tycoon blew away the wimpy establishment Republicans in the 2016 primaries and then proceeded to take the White House, to the delight of millions of downtrodden Americans (the people who Clinton called “deplorables”).

Of course, Clinton and the Democrats never accepted the 2016 election as valid, but again project that on Trump and the Republicans, calling them “election deniers” for valid concerns over voting irregularities in some states.

In a Jan. 6, 2024 speech, Joe Biden ranted on about Donald Trump being a “threat to Democracy,” while agents of his own party and administration are engaged in a series of banana republic sham legal actions targeting Trump and his family, again projecting his own behavior on his likely 2024 Republican opponent.

How far will Biden and the Democrats go? What will happen when Trump wins next November? Is their calling Trump a “dictator” seeking retribution really a projection of their future plans?

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In an Iowa townhall, GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy stated, “there is no way they will let Donald Trump anywhere near the White House again.”

If that’s the plan, here’s my advice: Don’t even think about it!

Dwight Weidman is a resident of Greene Township and is a graduate of Shepherd University. He is retired from the United States Department of Defense, where his career included assignments In Europe, Asia, and Central America. He has been in leadership roles for the Republican Party in two states, most recently serving two terms as Chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party. He has been an Amateur Radio Operator since 1988, getting his first license in Germany, a past volunteer with both Navy and Army MARS, Military Auxiliary Radio Service, and is also an NRA-certified firearms instructor. In his spare time, he dabbles in genealogy and learning new languages.

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Mail: Democrats are masters of projection, hurling accusations at GOP
