Demi Lovato Says She’s Adopted She/Her Pronouns Again

Rich Fury

Demi Lovato has shared that she now uses she/her pronouns again.

The singer previously came out as nonbinary in May 2021 and announced at the time that she would use they/them pronouns.

In an interview on the Spout Podcast uploaded on Monday, Lovato explained why she has now switched her pronouns.

While on the show, host Tamara Dhia told Lovato that she did not fully understand the meaning of using they/them pronouns. Dhia asked the musician if she could explain the significance.

Lovato responded, “Yeah, so, they/them is, um, I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her again.”

“So, for me, I’m such a fluid person that I don’t really ... I don’t find that I am ... I felt like, especially last year, my energy was balanced in my masculine and feminine energy,” she shared. “So that when I was faced with the choice of walking into a bathroom and it said ‘women’ and ‘men’ I didn’t feel like there was a bathroom for me because I didn’t feel necessarily like a woman. I didn’t feel like a man. I just felt like a human.”

The 29-year-old performer then further explained the importance of they/them pronouns to her.

“It’s just about, like, feeling human at your core,” she continued. “Recently, I’ve been feeling more feminine, and so I’ve adopted she/her again.”

She said that when learning about different pronouns, it is important to remember that “nobody’s perfect.”

Lovato added, “Everyone messes up pronouns at some point, and especially when people are learning. It’s just all about respect.”

The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer has repeatedly opened up to her fans about how she views her gender and fluidity.

She first made the announcement about using they/them pronouns during an episode of her “4D with Demi Lovato” podcast.

“Over the past year and a half I’ve been doing some healing and self-reflective work,” she said at the time. “And through this work, I’ve had the revelation that I identify as nonbinary. With that said, I’ll be officially changing my pronouns to they/them. I feel that this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and am still discovering.”

Lovato also posted about identifying as nonbinary on Instagram.

In the caption, she wrote, “I’m still learning and coming into myself, and I don’t claim to be an expert or a spokesperson.”

Three months after discussing her fluidity with her fans, Lovato gave a speech at the 19th Represents Summit and spoke about her gender being “a journey forever.”

She revealed, “Yes, I definitely think it’s a journey forever. There might be a time where I identify as trans, I don’t know what this looks like for me. There might be a time where I identify as nonbinary and gender non-conforming my entire life, or maybe there’s a period of time when I get older that I identify as a woman.”

Lovato said that she wanted to keep her identity “open and free.”

“I’m a very fluid person, and so that goes with how I express myself as well,” she concluded.

On her Instagram page, Lovato currently lists her pronouns as “they/them/she/her.”
