Cow Excitedly Running to Enjoy New Sand Delivery Is So Sweet

CC Gerard Koudenburg/Shutterstock

Did you know that cows love sand? Yep, it's true. Cows are pretty much sand's number one fans. And if you want proof take a look at a video of a cow at The Gentle Barn, which shows the cow pretty much jumping for joy when the animal sanctuary received a new sand shipment.

The rescue shared footage of their cow Love having a real moment when she saw the new sand being dropped off.

The Gentle Barn recently ran a spring fundraiser, which helped them buy all new supplies for their many animals. They even shared the video as a thank you to their sponsors. But we're sure that all Love really cared about was her new sand.

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The footage shows Love running towards the sand pile with all her might. When she finally reached the sand, she nuzzled it with her face, before flicking it in the air.

"Fresh cool sand," the video's onscreen caption reads. "There's nothing a cow loves more."

People online were happy for the cow and the sand she loves so much. "How I wish all animals could run free like this and be loved and respected," one person wrote. "Have fun in the sand, Love," someone else added. "I wish I lived in Tennessee, so I could visit these beautiful animals, from time to time, especially on days when I’m feeling blue," another commenter added.

Why Cows Love Sand

It might not seem like the most natural pairing, but sand and cows go together like cookies and milk. Many dairy farmers use sand as bedding for their cows and it can really help when the weather gets warm. Yep, sand can actually help cool cows down and keep them cool throughout the summer.

Because cows are large, sand offers them a lot of traction and support when they get up and go down towards the ground. Sand is also very forgiving and will disperse the cow's weight over a wide area, which can be comfortable for cows when resting. It can even help promote longer resting times for cows, which is a win on those long hot days.

Other tools that farmers use to keep cows from overheating are ventilation, cool water, sprinklers, and fans, which all work together to keep the animals fresh. It's important to keep cows happy, as these large creatures can get really warm during heat waves or extreme weather.

So it actually makes sense that Love was so excited to see the delivery. She was getting ready for summer.

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