Corrie star Lucy Fallon explains decision to return to Bethany role

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Corrie's Lucy Fallon explains Bethany returnITV

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Coronation Street star Lucy Fallon has explained the reasons for reprising her role as Bethany Platt.

Bethany is set to make a surprise comeback to Weatherfield during the ITV soap's New Year's Eve episode, with her return causing further friction between Daniel Osbourne and his estranged fiancée Daisy Midgley after Bethany spends the night with her former flame.

Explaining her decision to reprise the role, Fallon revealed that it had been a "very easy decision" for her to return to Coronation Street.

"It was a huge decision for me to leave," the actress told Digital Spy and other media, adding that she had felt really "sad" after leaving.

bethany platt, coronation street

Related: Coronation Street star Lucy Fallon explains struggle after quitting Bethany role

"The whole time I've been gone, I've been in contact [with] everybody still – I love everyone and I love the job. It's the best decision I could have made to go back, so it was a very easy decision."

Fallon went on to explain that she had always left with the intention of returning, adding that the birth of her son had been a factor in deciding to come back."I always said to my family, 'oh, when I go back in five years' time or whatever' that was always the conversation," she said.

"And I think as well as having a baby, it's nice to be able to come home to him and have that job as well. I feel like it was just the right timing for me... I'm really happy to be back."

daniel osborne, daisy midgley, bethany platt, coronation street

Related: Coronation Street star Lucy Fallon calls for Bethany and Daisy twist

Speaking about what it was like to return to set after over three years away from the role, Fallon said she has "slotted back in" to life on Corrie, despite feeling "nervous" on her first day.

"My first day back, I actually just had scenes with Tina [O'Brien], which was nice. I was really, really nervous. I kept thinking: 'I can't imagine how nervous I must have been when I first started when I was 19'. I don't even know how I did it," she added.

"I literally felt sick going in. I was like, oh my God, this is terrifying. But then after the first couple of days, I was like, 'Oh, this is fine, completely fine'."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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