Coronation Street's Simon made homeless in car crash aftermath

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street's Simon Barlow is forced to sleep out in the cold next week after being kicked out by Nick Tilsley.

Simon faces a backlash from the Bistro businessman after the truth is revealed about his drink-drive secret.

This Sunday's episode (February 11) sees disaster strike for Simon while he's driving Nick's son Sam Blakeman to a chess competition.

Simon loses control of the vehicle on a bend and crashes. As he's driving while over the legal alcohol limit, he encourages Sam to flee from the scene with him before the police turn up.

sam blakeman, simon barlow, coronation street

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When Leanne hears about the crash, she wants to report the incident to the police. However, she soon finds herself covering for her son when Simon tells her that he was drink-driving.

In the fallout next week, Roy Cropper senses that Sam isn't his usual self as they play chess before school. Sam struggles to make a basic move in the game and Roy can't understand why.

Meanwhile, Simon tells Nick that he's sorry about the car. Unaware of what really happened, Nick assures him that it was an accident that could have happened to anyone.

Nick is forced to reconsider the situation when local mechanic Kevin Webster tells him that the car repairs were nothing to do with faulty brakes. This contradicts the cover story that Leanne and Simon had created, leaving Nick suspicious.

nick tilsley, leanne battersby, coronation street

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At school, Sam's girlfriend Hope Stape is horrified to find him unconscious on the floor. Sam is rushed to hospital, where Leanne is forced to tell the doctor the truth about the car accident.

Leanne also comes clean to Nick about how the brakes weren't at fault and she lied to protect Simon as he'd been drinking.

A guilty Simon decides that it's time to take responsibility for his actions, but it's not enough for Nick and he kicks him out of the flat.

Leanne is furious over Nick's decision and she bitterly accuses him of always putting his own son first.

nick tilsley, leanne battersby, coronation street

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Later on, Leanne finds Simon shivering on a bench in Victoria Garden, having clearly been there all night.

Simon tells Leanne that Nick is right about him drinking too much and turning into his dad Peter. Will Leanne fight for Simon to get another chance?

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Monday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 13.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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