How to Cook an Egg in the Microwave

Fast and easy breakfasts are just a few beeps away.

<p>Leticia Senciani/Getty Images</p>

Leticia Senciani/Getty Images

Eggs are a breakfast (and well, anytime) staple—whether you're looking for a quick hard-boiled egg for a snack or a full-on scramble for a quick and easy dinner.

Related: 9 Hacks for Easier Egg-Filled Meals

And you don't have to dirty a whole pan if you want to make a quick breakfast for yourself—or you don't have a full kitchen to use. It turns out, you can cook eggs a number of different ways using the microwave, whether you're looking for a fancy poached egg for atop an eggs benedict, or just a basic fried egg. Check out the tips and techniques below for a perfectly cooked egg every time.

How to Cook Scrambled Eggs in the Microwave

Making scrambled eggs in the microwave is a breeze (and you won't have to worry as much about exploding eggs, as scrambling them will break up the surface).

Butter or spray a microwave-safe bowl, then crack two eggs into it; sprinkle with salt, pepper, and any other goodies you want (think shredded cheese or diced veggies or ham); add a dash of cream or even water; and use a fork to scramble everything together.

Microwave for 30 seconds, stir, then repeat until the eggs are done to your liking.

How to Cook Poached Eggs in the Microwave

Poached eggs can be tricky to make the old-fashioned way, but they're nearly foolproof in the microwave. Add a few inches of water to a microwwave-safe bowl or mug, then carefully crack the egg into it.

Use a toothpick to prick the yolk to allow steam to escape, and pop it into the microwave for 60 seconds. If the egg whites have become opaque, you're ready to go. If not, add another 30 seconds to the cook time. Drain the water and pop the poached egg onto your dish.

Related: How to Make Perfect Poached Eggs, According to Professional Chefs

How to Cook Hard Boiled Eggs in the Microwave

Hard-boiled eggs feel like an accident waiting to happen in the microwave. But it's possible to get a hard-boiled egg in no time flat.

Start by nearly filling a microwave-safe bowl with water, and microwaving it for four minutes, until hot. Pierce the shell of the egg carefully with a pin, then drop it into the hot water. Cover the bowl with a plate, and microwave for another four minutes at half power. (You'll need to add an additional minute of cooking time for each additional egg you pop into the bowl.) Let the egg sit in the hot water for a minute, then use an ice bath to cool it. Your egg should be ready to peel!

Related: How Long to Boil Eggs for Hard-Boiled, Soft-Boiled, and More

How to Cook Over-Easy Eggs in the Microwave

Want a fried egg without all the frying? Butter or spray oil in your bowl, then crack an egg or two into it. (Don't forget the salt and pepper!) Run it on high, checking the egg every 30 seconds for doneness, or try it at a minute and a half at 30 percent power for a lower, slower—and slightly less involved—cooking process.

Tips for Cooking Eggs in the Microwave

No matter what strategy you use, there are some smart tricks that'll help you not only make delicious eggs, but help cut down on any mess that microwaving eggs can cause.

Grease or butter the bowl well to prevent sticking

Eggs have a serious tendency to stick to the bowl, making them hard to get out cleanly—and requiring a lot of elbow grease (or a few trips through the dishwasher) to come clean. You can spray the container with nonstick cooking spray, rub it with vegetable oil, or butter the edges. (Eggs that are cooked in water, such as poached eggs, should avoid sticking.

Pierce the egg to prevent explosions

Eggs have a lot of liquid in them. And when that heats up, it can create steam that may not be able to escape through the membrane of the egg. Use a fork or a toothpick to pierce the egg white and egg yolk a few times to allow a way for that steam to escape, to help prevent the mess.

Don't overdo the piercing.

You just want a couple of tiny holes in the top of the yolk. If you push all the way through, you run the risk of your yolk leaking out and cooking faster than you might like.

Consider reducing the microwave power level

Using a low-and-slower method (at either half power or 30 percent power) will allow the eggs to cook a little more gently, and will help reduce the risk of an egg-splosion. If you want to keep the fast pace, high-heat technique, consider stopping at short intervals (like every 20 seconds) to help keep the eggs from reaching max temps too soon, and head off a mess and adding cleaning the microwave to your to-do list. It'll also help you fine tune it to the egg consistency you want, so you're in less danger of creating a rubbery egg.

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