A conservative small business founder, Mike Kehoe is the clear choice for governor

In these challenging times, we need a governor who not only understands the needs and aspirations of our citizens but also has a proven track record of making positive changes for Missouri families and our communities. Mike Kehoe is that leader.

Mike Kehoe has consistently demonstrated his commitment to encouraging manufacturing businesses across Missouri to grow and prosper. He believes a strong manufacturing sector is the best defense against economic challenges. By fostering an environment where businesses can thrive, Mike ensures our state remains resilient and competitive on a national scale.

Mike's great work ethic stems from his own experience as a working man. He understands the value of hard work and dedication, qualities he exudes as a public servant every day. This perspective enables him to connect with the everyday Missourians, advocating for policies that genuinely reflect the needs and desires of our hard working citizens.

Mike's approach to governance is rooted in his experience establishing and growing a successful small business. He understands decisions need to be made at the speed of business, not the speed of bureaucracy. This mindset ensures government actions are timely and efficient, helping businesses to succeed and contribute to the state's prosperity.

One of Mike's key battles is to keep Missouri clean from illegal drugs. He has been a steadfast advocate for measures combating the scourge of illegal substances in our communities, ensuring our neighborhoods remain safe and healthy places to live and raise families.

Mike Kehoe is both optimistic and a risk-taker, qualities essential for innovative leadership. His positive outlook and willingness to take calculated risks have led to significant advancements and opportunities for our state. He believes in Missouri's potential and is committed to unlocking it.

Mike stands strong for border protection and upholding conservative values. His unwavering stance on life issues is backed by a perfect voting record, demonstrating his deep commitment and respect for these principles. He is a protector of our values and a defender of our rights.

Mike Kehoe is the clear choice to be our next governor of Missouri. His dedication to economic growth, strong work ethic, commitment to business-oriented approach, fight against illegal drugs, optimistic vision, and firm conservative values make him the leader our state needs.

Pavel Bosovik, Springfield, is founder and CEO of 27North, Inc.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Mike Kehoe is the clear choice for Missouri governor
