How To Cleanse and Recharge Crystals at Home, According to Experts

Woman holding a rose quartz stone

Crystals and gemstones have been used for spiritual and healing purposes for thousands of years. Many believers feel that crystals emit powerful vibrational frequencies that can promote healing and balance in the body and mind.

However, like any object that picks up energy from its environment, crystals can accumulate negative energy over time. That's why it's important to regularly cleanse and recharge your crystals to keep their energy fresh. But if you're left wondering how to cleanse crystals, exactly, just know—you're not alone.

We spoke to experts in crystal care to give you the ultimate guide on how to clean and charge crystals.

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How Do You Clean and Recharge Crystals?

"There are two kinds of cleansing: physical and metaphysical," explain Sandra Wright and Leanne Marrama, authors of Awakening the Crystals: The Ancient Art and Modern Magic of Gems and Stones. "Like all physical objects, crystals and stones attract dust, so they periodically require physical cleaning. But they are also metaphysical objects that pick up energy, which needs to be cleansed as well."

To keep your crystals physically clean, Wright and Marrama recommend gently wiping them with a soft microfiber cloth designated just for crystals. Harsh chemicals are not necessary. 

Metaphysically cleansing crystals involves clearing them of any residual negative energy they may have absorbed. You'll want to cleanse new crystals when you first acquire them, as well as crystals that you wear or carry with you regularly. 

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How Do You Cleanse Crystals When You First Get Them?

"It is very important to cleanse crystals once you bring them home, as they absorb energy throughout their previous journey," advises Maria Lovera, owner of Khemia Crystals.

Lovera suggests cleansing new crystals by rinsing them under running water or soaking them in salt water overnight. Setting the crystals in sunlight is another simple way to cleanse them with natural Yang energy. If you choose to go the sun route, make sure to look up if your crystal is prone to discoloration due to too much sun exposure. 

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How To Cleanse Crystals at Home

Fortunately, there are many easy ways to cleanse your crystals using natural elements and materials readily available at home:


Bells symbolize air and just ringing some around your crystals with cleansing intent is enough to do the trick. Otherwise, you can bathe crystals in the smoke of purifying incense like frankincense, myrrh or copal. A smoke cleanse with incense or a bundle of herbs like lavender or rosemary is one of the most popular cleansing methods.


Pass crystals over the flame of a white candle that's been blessed or anointed with oils. Move them through the flame quickly to avoid damage from prolonged heat exposure.


Soak crystals in spring water, salt water or water that's been blessed under the sun or moon. Check that the crystal is water-safe first.


Bury crystals in sea salt or rice overnight, or place them on a charging plate made of cleansing stone like selenite.


Charge crystals with your own energy by holding them during meditation, prayer or chanting. Visualize negative energy leaving the crystal as you instill it with positive intentions.

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How Often Do I Need To Cleanse My Crystals?

How often you cleanse your crystals depends on how much you use and handle them. "Crystals that travel with you or are worn by you require regular cleansing, which is why we recommend selenite charging plates. You can set your crystals on them overnight," advise both Wright and Marrama.

For crystals worn or carried daily, Lovera recommends cleansing once a week. Crystals placed around your home may only need monthly cleansing. Cleanse immediately if crystals have been exposed to large amounts of negative energy.

"Once a day is ideal, if you forget, try starting with once a week," suggests Kumiko Kanayama, shiatsu grandmaster and founder of the longest-running Shiatsu center in the U.S. "You can also place crystals in the light of the full moon to receive powerful Yin energy." 

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What To Avoid When Cleansing Crystals

While cleansing crystals, avoid exposing them to any harsh chemicals, scratches, extreme temperatures or direct sunlight for prolonged periods. Don't immerse softer stones like selenite, angelite or halite in water, as they may dissolve. Rinse iron-containing stones like hematite gently to prevent oxidation.

"Avoid any negative thoughts or ideas. Instead focus on positive thoughts, and give prayers to help you and the crystal to shine," Kanayama advises.

Another important thing to avoid while cleansing your crystals has to do with smudging. While the cleansing method of smudging is well known, it's important to keep in mind that smudging is a closed practice. It's an indigenous way to cleanse with smoke from specific, sacred materials like white sage or palo santo. Due to the sanctity of these materials, and the fact that many Native Americans were forbidden from using this practice for a long time, non-indigenous people shouldn't use this method.

Tips for Charging Crystals

In addition to cleansing, you'll want to regularly charge your crystals to keep their vibrational energies strong. Here are some of the top ways to charge and program crystals:

  • Place crystals in sunlight or moonlight

  • Bury them in the earth

  • Meditate with crystals in your hands and visualize your intentions flowing into them

  • Chant, pray or sing to infuse crystals with vibrational energy

  • Bring crystals to sacred spaces like temples or ashrams

  • Carry or wear crystals daily so they absorb your energy

"Instead of charging, I like using the term 'giving an intention,'" says Lovera. "For this, I hold the crystal in my hands and hold an intention in my mind. It can be of protection, love, abundance [or] grounding. I then thank the crystal for working with my energy and manifesting my intention."

Trust Your Intuition

When in doubt about how to best cleanse or charge your crystals, go with your gut. "If you connect with your intuition, it will be easier to know when and how to cleanse your crystals, as you will be able to pick up their energy and the energy of the space they are in," Lovera advises.

By regularly cleansing and charging your crystals, you can keep their natural vibrational energies in harmony with your intentions. Approach crystal care with a reverent and mindful attitude, and your crystals will remain powerful spiritual tools for healing and manifestation.

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