City Hall aide fired after being caught on video calling NYC Mayor Adams ‘corrupt,’ mocking cops

A City Hall staffer has been fired after being caught on camera mocking NYPD officers and calling Mayor Adams “corrupt,” Hizzoner’s office announced late Wednesday.

Adams spokesman Fabien Levy pinned the axing of the staffer, Christopher Baugh, on the harsh comments he made about cops in video covertly shot and disseminated by the right-wing Project Veritas group.

“His comments today disparaging first responders are completely unacceptable, and we’ve terminated this employee effective immediately,” Levy said in a statement. “Mayor Adams will always stand up for our first responders and have their backs.”

City Hall staffer Chris Baugh can be seen in the video posted by Project Veritas.
City Hall staffer Chris Baugh can be seen in the video posted by Project Veritas.

City Hall staffer Chris Baugh can be seen in the video posted by Project Veritas. (Project Veritas /Vimeo /)

Levy did not acknowledge that the video — a copy of which was obtained by the Daily News ahead of Baugh’s termination — also shows the City Hall aide questioning Adams’ morals and ability to govern.

“The mayor thinks he’s got, like, ambition for running for president, and I’m like, ‘This is it for you, like, no you can’t. You are very corrupt and lots of other issues,’” Baugh can be heard saying in the video, which appears to have been taken without his knowledge by a Project Veritas operative he was meeting with at a restaurant or bar.

Baugh is then heard adding of Adams: “He is worth $2.5 million and he has rental properties, and like all he’s ever done is be a cop and a civil servant.”

Levy declined to comment on Baugh’s remarks about the mayor.

But in his statement, Levy distanced Baugh from Adams and noted that he has been employed at City Hall since ex-Mayor Bill de Blasio’s tenure. “This was a low-level staffer who had no private or special access to the mayor and who wasn’t hired by this administration,” Levy said.

Baugh, a member of the City Hall team that helps set up press conferences and other events for the mayor, could not be reached for comment.

In addition to slamming Adams, the Project Veritas footage caught the now ex-City Hall aide tearing into NYPD officers who have been suspended or fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams
New York City Mayor Eric Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (Shawn Inglima/)

“They chose not to do a very, very harmless thing that protects the rest of society. F--k them,” he said in the video. “I don’t give a s--t. They are like, ‘This is unfair.’ F----ng deal with it.”

Baugh also added of police officers, “Being a cop is like the cushiest gig in the city. Like, you might get shot, but otherwise, it’s very good.”

It’s unclear why or when Baugh met with the Project Veritas operative who caught him on video. In July, Baugh made headlines when he was robbed on a Brooklyn street while scoping out a location for a press conference.

Project Veritas, which is led by right-wing provocateur James O’Keefe, has a reputation for seeking to trick Democratic politicians and journalists into making embarrassing comments while secretly filming them. Some of the group’s actions have bordered on criminal — a point Levy made note of in his statement.

“Let’s also not forget that, time and again, Project Veritas has lied to spin false narratives and deceive the American people,” Levy said. “This is an enterprise run by a convicted criminal and one that admitted to lying about their identity, and their intent just to secretly record and have conversations with this now-former employee. It’s shameful behavior that benefits no one.”
