CI Coop takes neurodivergent-friendly steps

Coop brach, Nocq Road
Guernsey's Nocq Road Coop branch is one of those offering ear defenders and visual support tools [BBC]

The Channel Islands Cooperative Society (CI Coop) has taken steps to help make shopping more enjoyable for neurodivergent visitors.

The business said a range of resources including ear defenders and visual support tools had been introduced across some of the islands' stores.

Interim head of retail operations Emma Veitch said it was hoped the aids would create a "calmer and more enjoyable" experience.

The business said it aimed to roll out the initiative to all Channel Island stores if successful.

'Stimulating and overwhelming'

The CI Coop said the support was available at its Millennium Park and St Peter's Village Grand Marche stores in Jersey.

It said the resources could also be found at Nocq Road and St Martin Grand Marche stores in Guernsey.

Ms Veitch said she had spent a long time trying to make shopping a calm experience for her son who has autism and ADHD.

"I understand how stimulating and overwhelming it can be in certain environments," she said.

Niamh Mc Dermott, co-founder and assistant chairwoman of the charity AllMatters Neurodiverse Jersey, said it was hoped other companies would follow the Coop's initiative.

She said: "There are so many barriers for our neurodivergent community when it comes to going to a supermarket.

"We are delighted to work collaboratively with the Coop to support them on this journey."

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