Chuck Grassley to turn over Senate papers to University of Northern Iowa library

The University of Northern Iowa announced Wednesday that Chuck Grassley of Iowa, both the longest-serving current U.S. senator and member of Congress, will turn his collected papers from his 43 years in office over to his alma mater's library.

Grassley, a Republican, and wife Barbara also endowed a new faculty position, the university said in a news release. Donna R. Hoffman will be the inaugural UNI Chuck and Barbara Grassley Professor of Political Science.

Grassley, 90, initially elected to the Senate in 1980 and reelected in 2022 to his eighth term, became the longest-serving senator still in office with the January 2023 retirement of Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont. Leahy, who chose not to seek reelection in 2022, had served since 1975.

Grassley is sixth on the all-time list of longest senate service.

Leahy's retirement also ended Grassley's tie with him as the longest-serving current member of Congress. Grassley served three terms in the U.S. House before his election to the Senate, bringing to 49 years his total time in office to date.

Prior to going to Washington, Grassley served from 1959 to 1975 in the Iowa Legislature. His papers from that period and his House service already are in the UNI Rod Library's archive.

From October: University of Northern Iowa gets largest gift in its history. How will it be used?

The university said he will turn over his Senate papers when he leaves office. Grassley has not said whether he will seek a ninth term when his current one ends in 2029. He would be 95, the second-oldest senator in U.S. history after South Carolina Republican Strom Thurmond, who was still in office when he died at age 100 in 2003.

Speaking for himself and his wife, Grassley said, “We hope scholars and students will use my Senate papers as part of their research and teaching. With this gift, we hope to support the teaching and research mission of the University of Northern Iowa, allowing scholars and students the academic freedom to explore American government and public policy.”

“It’s more important than ever that students learn to rigorously analyze political issues and develop the ability to discuss them with others, including those with whom they disagree,” he added.

Hoffman's biography on the UNI website lists her research interests as presidential-congressional relations; presidential rhetoric; realignment theory; social and political change in the American electorate; southern politics; and art, politics and culture.

“Senator and Mrs. Grassley’s gift confirms their trust in our commitment to preparing the next generation of public servants and citizens who understand that the continued functioning of our democracy isn’t automatic, but requires concerted effort and education,” Hoffman said in the university news release.

Chuck Grassley is a native of the tiny town of New Hartford, about 10 miles from the university's campus in Cedar Falls. In his long Senate tenure he has been has served as chair of powerful committees, including finance and judiciary, placing him at the nexus of many noteworthy debates. He was president pro tem of the Senate from 2019 to 2021.

“We are most grateful for Senator and Mrs. Grassley’s time-honored commitment to the University of Northern Iowa,” said University of Northern Iowa President Mark Nook.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Chuck Grassley Senate papers to reside at University of Northern Iowa
