Chris Christie announces he's ending presidential bid, says he sees no path to presidency

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced Wednesday in New Hampshire that he's dropping his Republican presidential bid, but he said he hasn't given up trying to make sure Donald Trump is never president again.

Christie told an audience he didn't see a path to the presidency and he was suspending his campaign.

"I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump ever be president the United States again," Christie said. "And that's more important than my own personal ambition."

Even so, he stopped short of supporting former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who also has seen support on anti-Trumpers. He was caught on a hot mic Wednesday saying she is "going to get smoked," minutes before announcing the suspension of his own 2024 White House bid.

“How do you beat somebody if you won't say why they don't belong being president?” Christie told the crowd after announcing he was suspending his campaign. “She says he's fit to be president … and here's the worst part — she knows it.”

Christie, 61, has been under intense pressure to exit the Republican presidential primary race as critics of Donald Trump work to unify behind a viable alternative to the former president.

Christie was scheduled to host a town hall meeting in Windham at 5 p.m., hours before two of his rivals, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, meet for the fifth GOP presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle. It is the only debate that Christie did not qualify for.

The news comes as a surprise, given that Christie had staked the success of his campaign on New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary, which is less than two weeks away. He had insisted as recently as Tuesday night that he had no plans to leave the race, rebuffing growing calls for him to step aside as he continued to cast himself as the only candidate willing to directly take on the former president.

“I would be happy to get out of the way for someone who is actually running against Donald Trump,” he said at a town hall in Rochester, New Hampshire, while arguing that none of his rivals had stepped up to the plate.

“I’m famous enough. ... I’ve got plenty of titles. ... The only reason to do this is to win,” he added. “So I’d be happy to get out of the way for somebody if they actually were going against Donald Trump.”

But Christie faced a stark reality: While recent polls showed him reaching the double digits in New Hampshire, Haley shows signs of momentum. A CNN/UNH poll conducted in the state this week found Trump’s lead down to the single digits, with 4 in 10 likely Republican primary voters choosing Trump and about one-third now choosing Haley.

Allies of Haley, including New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and other anti-Trump Republicans, had been urging Christie to exit, hoping a large portion of his supporters would flock to Haley, giving her a chance to turn the race into a two-candidate contest with Trump, the overwhelming favorite for the nomination.

The New Hampshire poll — which showed Christie at 12% — found about two-thirds of his supporters would select Haley as their second choice.

Christie had run as the race’s fiercest critic of the former president-turned-GOP front-runner. He warned voters against nominating a candidate who has been criminally indicted four times and could very well be a convicted felon by the November general election. And he argued Trump will lose in a rematch with President Joe Biden, the likely Democratic nominee.

While his anti-Trump message attracted much media attention and helped bring in waves of small-dollar donations that kept him in the race — and on the debate stage — far longer than many expected, Christie was plagued by high unfavorability ratings in a party that remains deeply loyal to Trump.

He also remained mired in the single digits in polling.

Christie, who has focused his efforts on New Hampshire and has not campaigned in Iowa, has seen his support hold steady at 4% in the latest Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll.

But he has consistently polled below the bottom tier of Republican contenders.

  • December: 4% say Christie is their first choice.

  • October: 4% said he was their first choice.

  • August: 5% said he was their first choice.

Christie’s favorability has also been underwater by more than a 3-to-1 margin in Iowa as he has aggressively attacked Trump.

  • December: 20% favorable, 68% unfavorable, 12% not sure.

  • October: 20% favorable, 69% unfavorable, 11% not sure.

  • August: 28% favorable, 60% unfavorable, 12% not sure.

Nonetheless, Christie managed to outlast far better-known and better-funded candidates, including former Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, in part because he ran a frugal campaign. Instead of flying by private jet and hiring a litany of expensive consultants, he relied on a tight-knit staff of just over a dozen people and had a far lower “burn rate” than rivals like DeSantis, spending far less per day.

The Des Moines Register and USA TODAY contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Chris Christie announces he's ending Republican presidential bid
