Chocolate Chip Cookie Brands, Ranked

As the recipe developer behind the world’s best chocolate chip cookies (I’m so humble, right?), I never really go out of my way to purchase store-bought varieties. They don’t quite serve a purpose in my life when homemade, even break-and-bake dough options (which I’ve already ranked here), are literally the easiest things in the world to make. Like Easy Bake Oven-levels of easy, if I’m being completely honest. (No shade to you kitchen amateurs who have the fire department on speed dial, though.)

So you can only imagine the overwhelming joy I felt after being tasked to judge a food category that will inevitably fall short to the hot, gooey, oversized confections with high-quality chocolate and flecks of sea salt that I’m used to. Yes, I understand that there is a market for people who are too lazy (or too busy!) to make them on their own, but damn … cookies? You really want them from a box or bag?

But because I’m ultimately a man of the people, I subjected myself to 11 brands who sell their take on the classic dessert. Some were delish, some were ick, but one thing’s for certain: I’ll still always prefer a cookie fresh out of the oven. Maybe with vanilla ice cream on top.

11. Mrs. Fields Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie

Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie (Walmart)
Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie (Walmart)

A Mrs. Fields cookie cake from the mall: great. A Mrs. Fields individually wrapped cookie: not so great. I was excited to get my hands on the individually wrapped treat because, texturally, it felt like a home run. But instead of a home run, my taste buds were hit with a baseball bat of artificiality and overwhelming sweetness that I simply couldn’t tolerate. Hard pass.

10. Keebler Chips Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookies

Keebler Chips Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookie (Stop and Shop)
Keebler Chips Deluxe Chocolate Chip Cookie (Stop and Shop)

Those magical elves better stay in their treehouse and rethink the recipe for these lackluster cookies. While they are loaded with chocolate in the best way possible, not even the world’s most beloved flavor could salvage the crumbly, dry cookie underneath that tasted like you fell head-first into a sandpit at the beach and the just decided to open your mouth for the fun of it.

9. Entenmann’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Entenmann's Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)
Entenmann's Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)

These were straight-up Play-Doh disguised as cookies. I loved, loved, the moist mouthfeel (like Play-Doh), but the aftertaste just wasn’t working for me. In fact, I’m almost convinced that I simply had a defective product because there are so many other Entenmann’s treats that I enjoy. Stand by for taste test 2.0 because I need to get another box.

8. Pillsbury Soft Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pilssbury Soft Baked Cookies (Pillsbury)
Pilssbury Soft Baked Cookies (Pillsbury)

OK, so the texture of these were completely fine (and maybe even awesome), but they just paled in comparison to the refrigerated Pillsbury dough (which is great and ranked second in the aforementioned cookie dough ranking). I didn’t find them to be super memorable and even forgot about them when I went back to arrange the contenders in order of worst to best. When it comes to Pillsbury, just seriously buy the break-and-bakes and make them yourself.

7. Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies

Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)
Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)

Honestly, the major thing they had going for them was a nostalgic effect. I remember noshing on a bag after soccer games or at the school cafeteria when they would upsell them in a vending machine to kids who can’t refuse sugar (aka me). That said, the chocolate was actually quite pleasant. And there was obviously some appeal to them being bite-sized. I just wish they were a tad less dry. Like, they absolutely demand to be consumed with a gallon of milk.

6. Chips Ahoy! Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chips Ahoy Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)
Chips Ahoy Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)

Of course, these were the most recognizable of the bunch. But when compared to most alternatives on this list, they lacked flavor. I did appreciate how heavy-handed Nabisco decided to be on chocolate, though. You could close your eyes and almost think you’re eating a slab of a mealy chocolate bar. But the all-around taste? Just OK, despite not being able to stop eating them (it was the nostalgia effect at play again). While a lot of y’all say, “Ahoy!” I say, “Cookies overboard!"

5. 365 by Whole Foods Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies

365 Whole Foods Market Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies (Whole Foods)
365 Whole Foods Market Organic Chocolate Chip Cookies (Whole Foods)

These definitely tasted healthier than the norm, but I think it mostly had to do with a uniquely crunchy and gritty texture that, in the strangest way, reminded me of a sweet flatbread cracker. I didn’t mind, though, and thought these were a pretty solid choice for anyone looking to satisfy a sudden craving for something decadent. Good on you, Whole Foods.

4. Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pepperidge Farm Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies (Pepperidge Farm)
Pepperidge Farm Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies (Pepperidge Farm)

These were, by far, the most surprising on this list, probably because I didn’t even know they existed (I’m so used to the company’s soft Montauk varieties). While they’re cavity-inducing levels of sweet, they’re also somewhat well-balanced with a salty finishing note and strong brown sugar flavor. I dug them, but not enough to make them a pantry staple.

3. Annie’s Organic Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites

Annie's Organic Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites (Amazon)
Annie's Organic Chocolate Chip Cookie Bites (Amazon)

Say hello to the most addictive option. These little morsels pride themselves on having a limited list of ingredients and they certainly tasted that way. I’m by no means saying they’re healthy, but they didn’t come across like they were chock-full of preservatives or hard-to-pronounce additives that leave a chemical aftertaste. And when it comes to store-bought, packaged chocolate chip cookies, apparently that’s the low bar we have set.

2. Trader Joe’s Crispy Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Trader Joe's Crispy Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies (Amazon)
Trader Joe's Crispy Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies (Amazon)

Trader Joe’s has been breaking my heart recently by phasing out or reimagining some favorites, so I’m truly hoping these stick around for the long haul because they’re fantastic. They’re small, they’re rich, but they do crumble easily, so be sure to save the bits at the bottom of the tub and sprinkle them on a sundae towards the end. You won’t regret it. You’re welcome.

1. Tate’s Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies

Tate's Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)
Tate's Chocolate Chip Cookies (Walmart)

I admittedly went into this taste test telling myself that I don’t like Tate’s (crispy, thin cookies are not my jam), but it emerged as the very clear winner and now I simply can’t get enough. They’re buttery, but light and not-too-sweet. They also taste like you purchased them from an artisanal cookie shop in Brooklyn that forages only the highest quality ingredients. Sorry for not believing in you the first time, Tate. I’ll think about what I’ve done over a slice of humble pie (or one of my not-so-humble, world’s best chocolate chip cookies that, frankly, still beats everything on this list. SORRY NOT SORRY!).

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