Cheap getaways for less than $200 from Sacramento airport? We found 6 flights to US spots

Cameron Clark/

Looking to get away this summer?

You can find direct round-trip flights out of Sacramento International Airport for less than $200 starting in June.

Travelers can head down south to the sunny beaches of San Diego for $162, or escape the heat by heading to Seattle for $169.

“We see a busy and exciting summer for the airport!” Scott Johnston, Sacramento County Department of Airports spokesman, told The Sacramento Bee.

Around 1.2 million total passengers per month are expected to pass through the Sacramento airport June through August, Johnston wrote in an email.

“Although the number of flights scheduled is down slightly from 2019, the planes are generally larger, which means full flights,” Johnston said.

As you plan your summer travel, here are six options for cheap, nonstop round-trip flights from the Sacramento airport.

Where can I fly from Sacramento for under $200?

The following flights are available at Sacramento International Airport through Southwest Airlines starting in June:

Round-trip flights to Las Vegas start for as low as $126.

Nonstop direct flights to Los Angeles are available for $159.

You can fly directly to and from Portland, Oregon, for $197.

Direct round-trip flights to Seattle are available for $169.

Nonstop round-trip flights to San Diego are available for $162.

Direct round-trip flights to Denver are available for $177.

Which nonstop flights are new for summer?

“We have several new nonstop flights beginning over the next two months,” Johnston said.

Starting in May, you can fly directly from Sacramento to Kailua-Kona and Kaui in Hawaii.

In June, nonstop flights to and from Baltimore will become available, he said.

Direct flights to Detroit start in July.

It wasn’t clear Friday which airlines will offer those flights.

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