How To Change A Diaper In 6 Simple Steps


For expectant parents, bringing a baby into the world can be an exciting time. It can also bring an onslaught of concerns — will I be ready? How will I know baby is eating enough? And for adults who haven't spent much time around babies: How do I change a diaper?

While changing a diaper may feel intimidating, Dr. Katie Lockwood, a primary care pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, tells that the secret to becoming a diaper pro is simply practice.

"Practice makes it easier," she says. "Both parents should practice diaper changes."

Lockwood says that diaper changes also provide a unique opportunity to bond with babies.

"This is a good time to engage with your baby," she says. "For younger infants, it’s an opportunity for good eye contact and smiling. For older infants, it can be a time to entertain them with silly faces or songs."

The Pennsylvania-based pediatrician shares that the same opportunity during diaper changes exists for parents of older kids.

"For toddlers, it is a nice time to practice naming body parts," Lockwood says.

How To Change A Diaper

Whether you are becoming a parent for the first time or just need a refresher, here is how to change a diaper in six simple steps.

Step 1: Prep supplies.

Lockwood tells that the first thing adults changing a diaper should do is make sure they have everything they need before getting started.

"Make sure you have supplies nearby — a new diaper, wipes, diaper cream — and that the baby is in a safe space where they can’t fall," she says. "You want your supplies close by so that you don’t have to step away from the infant and risk them falling from a changing table or other elevated surface."

Step 2: Get the new diaper ready.

Lay the back of the fresh diaper under the baby’s bottom open in the position you will ultimately want it in.

Step 3: Cleaning.

"Open the dirty diaper (and) wipe the baby and clean away any urine, stool, or other debris," Lockwood says.

The CHOP pediatrician tells that it's important to wipe front to back for babies with vaginas.

"Do not wipe from back to front in babies with vaginas as this is a risk for urinary tract infections," she says.

Step 4: Treatment.

If your baby has sensitive skin or rash, apply a diaper cream.

Step 5: Dispose of old diaper.

"Roll up the dirty diaper and wipes and pull away from baby, so that now their bottom is laying in the fresh diaper below," Lockwood says.

Step 6: Finish up.

Fold up front of the new diaper and fasten the straps.

Lockwood tells that the above tips are for disposable diapers.

"Cloth diapers are also popular and can be a great option for those who are interested," she says.

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