Chanel Harris, candidate for Wake County Commissioner District 1

The News & Observer sent a questionnaire to each of the Wake County Board of Commissioners candidates running in 2022.

In District 1, Democrat Donald Mial faces Republican Chanel Harris after incumbent Sig Hutchinson announced he would not not seek another term.

Early voting in the Nov. 8 election began Oct. 20.

Name: Chanel Harris

Age: 41

Political party: Republican

Occupation and employer: Duke Healthcare Systems / PSA

Education: Degree in Human Performance and Wellness

Political or civic experience: Volunteer and Member of GOP (chair for Precinct 13-08), bipartisan work with Bridgeway Associates NP for Women in Business, notary public

Campaign website:

What is Wake County doing right, and wrong, on managing growth?

We need to cut the inflation in our county. Even though some business have made it through the pandemic they are not surviving the Inflation.

How should the county support K-12 schools, students and teachers?

Remember the No Child Left Behind Act and focusing on the Every Student Succeeds Act. A lot of children suffered from remote learning in their physical, mental, emotional and social health.

What do you think Wake County should do, if anything, to address racial injustice issues, and what kind of changes would you propose?

We should work closely with our diversity, equity and inclusion council to support our community growth. We have so many people of different cultures moving into our community because of the education system and foreign refuge that collaborating together to make our community safe and affordable

What new steps should Wake County take to recruit businesses to the area?

Supporting our cultural arts and hotel growth that support our business investments to our state and hospitality convention. And cutting the inflation here.

What’s the top issue facing the county? What specific legislation or changes would you propose to address this issue?

Top issue

1. Inflation

2. the ESSA Act or No Child left Behind Act.

3 Affordable Housing

If elected, what would your two or three priorities be during your first year in office?

Working with the department of diversity and inclusion and supporting our business in the area to bring inflation down. And also working with our state with the ESSA act and for the wellness of our educators and the.cultural arts.

What unique skills or life experience would you bring to local governance?

I am the director and CBO of my own agency that supports women in business. I am currently re commission through the Security of State Office as a Notary Public officer. I am also a member of SHRM chapter 136 for Human Resource Management and A member of NC-shape for Professional Development.
