New Chambersburg representatives want to meet residents, business owners

Two representatives on Chambersburg Borough Council want to get to know their Fourth Ward neighbors and learn how they can best serve them.

Fourth Ward councilmembers Stacy Short and Jamie Boden, who are both relatively new to their positions, invite residents and business owners from the borough's northwest district to Bethel Assembly of God, 400 Miller St., at 6 p.m. May 20.

It will be an opportunity for Fourth Ward residents and other neighborhood stakeholders to meet the two people who represent them on Borough Council and discuss issues and concerns.

"Both Mr. Boden and I recognize there are concerns in our Ward and would like our residents to know that we do care about those concerns as well as our police department," Short said in an email. "We hope to meet with as many residents as possible during that meeting and also give them helpful information of how they can be involved in ensuring a pleasant community."

Chambersburg Police Chief Ron Camacho will also be there to take questions about ordinances, criminal activity and other things related to public safety.

Short said he will also promote Crimewatch, an online platform where the police department posts police and incident reports, details about wanted subjects, public service announcements and other information. He will give a presentation on how to download the Crimewatch app and how to submit tips through the platform.

Last year the police department received 399 tips, a big jump from the 262 submitted in 2022, the Public Opinion recently reported. Camacho said the increase in tips is a sign of the community's positive response to his team's work to improve transparency and communication.

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Short and Boden both first joined Borough Council after they applied to fill vacancies for the two Fourth Ward seats.

Short was appointed last July following the unexpected death of Larry Hensley less than halfway through a four-year term. She ran unopposed in November to be elected for the remaining two-year term.

Boden just joined council in January. He was appointed to fill a vacancy left when newly elected David Beltz Sr. resigned due to health reasons before he was sworn in. Boden's appointment runs through the end of 2025; he would need to run for election that year for the opportunity to complete the final two years of the four-year term.

"We are looking forward to getting to know our neighbors," Short said.

The Fourth Ward is bordered to the east by Second Street, to the north by Commerce Street and to the south by Hollywell Avenue.

Borough Council regularly meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of each month in Council Chambers on the first floor of Borough Hall, 100 S. Second St.. Meetings are also livestreamed on Zoom.

Amber South can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Chambersburg Public Opinion: Chambersburg Fourth Ward's new reps plan community meeting
