Can I use my cellphone? What's the policy at Stark County high schools?

A case holding cellphones hangs on the wall inside a classroom at Northwest High School.
A case holding cellphones hangs on the wall inside a classroom at Northwest High School.

Last month, Gov. Mike DeWine and  Lt. Gov. Jon Husted met with school leaders during a roundtable to discuss research showing cellphone use is negatively affecting students' mental health, academic performance and social well-being.

DeWine urged educators across the state to consider banning — or at least limiting the use — of phones in schools.

Here's a look at the cellphone policies at Stark County high schools:

Alliance High School

Electronic devices are not permitted for use during the school day in classrooms or restrooms. Devices are allowed only during a student's assigned lunch time, between classes in hallway and in the main lobby.

Canton South High School

Students may use their phones before and after school or during lunch. Phones shall remain powered off at other times.

East Canton High School

Student cellphones are to be turned off, kept out of sight, and not used during the school day. Phones are permitted during lunch.

Fairless High School

Phone use is prohibited during the school day and must be powered off and stored in a student's locker.

GlenOak High School

Phones should remain off and put away during class. Phones can be used during class at a teacher's discretion. Phones can be used at lunch.

Hoover High School

The use of cellphones is at the discretion of a teacher. They can be used at study hall and lunch periods.

Jackson High School

Students may possess cellular phones and other electronic communication devices while on school property or while attending school-sponsored activities on or off school property, as long as these devices are used in compliance with classroom rules.

Lake High School

Phones cannot be used during classes, study halls or assemblies unless given permission by a teacher.

Louisville High School

Cellphone use is prohibited during the school day. Phones can be used during lunch but students cannot make phone calls.

Marlington High School

Cellphones must be powered off, not just placed on vibrate or silent mode, and stored out of sight during school hours.

McKinley High School

Phones can be used before and after school, at lunch and between classes as long as they don't create a disruption. Any other time, phones must be powered off and stored out of sight.

Minerva High School

Students can have cellphones in the hallways, lunch and study hall but must place them in a holder as they enter a classroom.

Northwest High School

Cellphones must be placed in pouches when entering a classroom. Students can use their phone between classes, during lunch and study hall.

Perry High School

Phones must be off and stored in lockers/backpacks or designated storage areas during instructional time.

R.G. Drage Career Technical Center

Cellphones are permitted at the teacher's discretion.

Sandy Valley High School

Phones are not permitted during class including study halls. Students will be required to store them in the appropriate classroom location.

Tuslaw High School

Cellphones are permitted in the building. They can be used during study halls, in hallways or lunch. During class, all cellphones are placed in wall pockets unless they are specifically used by the teacher. Students may leave phones in lockers if they choose.

Washington High School

Cellphones must be turned off and stored out of sight during the school day.

Sources: Written school policies, school administrators.

This article originally appeared on The Independent: What are the cellphone policies at Stark County schools in Ohio?
