Celebrate Recovery in Damascus helps battle 'hurts, hangups, habits'

A large group of people going through Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step Christ-centered program, attended the Thursday night meeting at Damascus Friends Church. Meetings are 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday in Damascus.
A large group of people going through Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step Christ-centered program, attended the Thursday night meeting at Damascus Friends Church. Meetings are 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday in Damascus.

DAMASCUS ‒ People trickled into Damascus Friends Church on an unseasonably warm Thursday night in November.

Each was greeted with a smile, a friendly welcome.

There were soft-spoken conversations in the lobby and at tables. The cafe served coffee and pie. Inside the sanctuary, a band played spiritual rock music.

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For people like Ian, the event was another step on the journey to overcome "hurts, hangups or habits" that had made life difficult. Those on hand were there for Celebrate Recovery, a national 12-step recovery program with a chapter at Damascus Friends.

Randy Gobley and his wife Laura run a chapter of Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step, Christ-centered program at Damascus Friends Church. The program has meetings at Damascus and Malvern campuses.
Randy Gobley and his wife Laura run a chapter of Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step, Christ-centered program at Damascus Friends Church. The program has meetings at Damascus and Malvern campuses.

The DFC chapter, run by Pastors Randy and Laura Gobley, has been around for 14 years. The group meets Monday nights at the church in Malvern, at 401 W. Main St., and on Thursday nights in Damascus at 28857 Walnut St.

The ministry is Christ-based and there are programs for adults and children. At least 100 people are currently receiving assistance.

There are groups for addictions, anger, codependency, mental health, physical or sexual abuse and military transitions − to name just a few. The youth groups tackle similar issues, with programs tailored to participants' ages. Meetings are two hours.

Randy Gobley said participants do not have to be Christian.

"We get many people that come through the door that aren't really looking for a relationship with Christ. They're looking for recovery or sobriety, and we welcome them," he said. "It's a safe place."

Ian: 'It was either get sober or die.'

Ian is a 38-year-old former mechanic who has been with Celebrate Recovery for almost three years. He comes from Austintown. His last name was kept confidential for a certain level of anonymity, as a client.

He battles alcoholism.

Most of his life, including childhood, Ian was known to drink alcohol − and a lot of it. He would even come to work drunk and fall asleep in his truck.

"I was having trouble functioning. I was drinking all the time," he said. "Well, it was either get sober or die." A friend suggested Celebrate Recovery.

Ian said no one should expect immediate success, and must accept that the journey will be a long-term one. But he said it has been worth it.

"The program in general is great, but I like coming here because of the people," Ian said. "I can't really talk about certain things to some of my closest friends or family. When you come here, you find all these people who have similar issues, if not the same, and you can talk to someone. They understand."

He added: "I'm a lot more happier."

Fritz: 'For me, personally, it keeps me accountable.'

Tom Fritz, an Alliance native, has been a coach and sponsor at Celebrate Recovery since its inception in 2009 at Damascus Friends Church. The 67-year-old Salem resident leads open share groups, helping those with addictions.

Fritz, like Randy Gobley, speaks from experience, having been an addict in his 20s.

"For me, personally, it keeps me accountable," he said. "It's just been a joy to walk with so many guys and see all these people come and get their victory. I've had one guy, who was in prison, and now he's studying to be a pastor."

He has helped people from as far north as Willoughby, who have made the drive down to Damascus.

Tom Fritz, 67, of Salem has been a coach and sponsor for Celebrate Recovery at Damascus Friends Church for 17 years.
Tom Fritz, 67, of Salem has been a coach and sponsor for Celebrate Recovery at Damascus Friends Church for 17 years.

Fritz and Gobley explained the meetings start in the sanctuary with music, readings and a testimony or lesson for the first hour. In the second hour, they split into smaller, gender-specific groups based on the issue a person is trying to overcome.

Fritz said the program has an 85% success rate.

"The great thing about Celebrate Recovery is the hope, and it's not an empty hope," he said.

Gobley: Holidays are 'an intense period'

Gobley said there is never a bad time for a person to seek help, but the holiday season is particularly stressful and might be a good reason to check out Celebrate Recovery. There's even have a session on Thanksgiving Day.

"This is like an intense period," he said.

Gobley said vulnerable people face above normal stresses, which can be triggers and cause them to slip backward. He pointed to those facing issues with drugs, alcohol, anger and mental health as vulnerable.

Celebrate Recovery at Damascus Friends Church has gender-specific programs for addictions, abuse, mental health and other issues a person might be struggling with.
Celebrate Recovery at Damascus Friends Church has gender-specific programs for addictions, abuse, mental health and other issues a person might be struggling with.

"They have to be more guarded because of the extra stress," he said.

Gobley said the group always accepts new people into the ministry, with no reservations or appointments. They even have a newcomers class that goes over the mission of Celebrate Recovery and explains the program.

He said change won't come quickly, and people might not see significant growth in the first year. But the longer a person stays in the program, the more growth they will see.

"We say, 'Don't quit until your miracle happens,'" Gobley said.

Reach Benjamin Duer at 330-580-8567 or ben.duer@cantonrep.com. On X (formerly Twitter): @bduerREP

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step, Christ-based program in Damascus
