CDC Implements Important New Regulation for All Dogs Traveling to the U.S.

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention announced new rules on Wednesday for traveling with a canine companion into the United States and these new rules go into effect on August 1.

These new rules are mainly to prevent cases of rabies from entering into the US.

Starting on August 1, all dogs entering the USA (And this includes all dogs that left the USA and are returning) must be healthy upon arrival, at least six-month-old, microchipped and accompanied by a CDC Dog Import form receipt and required vaccination and veterinary documents.

Additional requirements may apply depending on where the dog has been in the last 6 months and whether or not the dog was vaccinated in the United States.

The CDC even has a handy dandy "DogBot" that can help you determine how these rules apply to your dog.

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NPR reports that the new rules won praise from the American Veterinary Medical Association. The organization "is pleased to see the implementation of this new rule that will help protect public health and positively impact canine health and welfare," said Dr. Rena Carlson, president of the AVMA in a statement to NPR.

Dog rescue advocates also welcomed the changes.

"This updated regulation will allow us to continue bringing dogs to the U.S. safely and efficiently," Lori Kalef, director of programs for SPCA International, said in a statement.

How To Keep Your Dog Happy When Traveling

Traveling with a dog. <p>Svitlana Hulko/Shutterstock</p>
Traveling with a dog.

Svitlana Hulko/Shutterstock

First of all, you need to notify the airline that you will be traveling with a dog when you book your tickets and check out what the rules are for your particular airline.

Most airlines have restrictions on traveling with pets, especially in the cabin, and there is usually a limit as to the number of animals that they allow. The sooner you know that you are taking your pet the better the chances are that you will be able to get them onto the plane with you. Your pet will need to be in either a hard or soft-flexible carrier that can fit under the seat in front of you, so making sure they will fit into that size space beforehand is important. You can talk to a representative from your airline to get the dimensions of this space but as you can imagine, it is not very large. The standard size for an estimate is roughly 9”x12”x21”, but it does vary by airplane model.

Make sure you arrive at the airport in plenty of time to walk your dog around outside and give them a chance to do their business.

Take with a travel bowl for both food and water, and make sure you pack some food, a toy or two and any comfort items that they have, like a blanket.

You should also make sure you have updated veterinary records with you and that your dog is microchipped in case they become lost.

Happy travels!

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