Cat's Cries of Sadness Over Missing 'Her Birds' Will Make Anyone Sob

CC AndrejLV/Shutterstock

Rue the kitty loves birds. She's obsessed with them. In fact she sits by the window every day so she can watch them fly outside the house. Sadly, ever since she and her owners have moved there have been less birds around. And now her owner is desperate to get them back.

The cat owner shared video of poor Rue crying without her bird friends.

In the video, the kitty was standing on her hind legs begging her owner to find the birds she wanted to see. "She misses her birds so much," the owner wrote on the video's onscreen caption.

"Meow!" she cried.

Related: Cat Dad Has the Sweetest Way of Making Sure Kitties Can Watch the Birds Together

"I'm sorry, do you want some hugs?" the woman asked from behind the camera. But all Rue really wanted was to see her bird pals.

She looks so sad. Somebody find these birds are bring them to Rue — stat!

"My poor baby, she misses her birds so much," she wrote in the caption.

People online were crossing their fingers that the birds will come back. "The birdies will be back soon," one person wrote. "The slow blink," someone else added with a crying emoji. "Awe poor little sugar," a third commenter chimed in.

Rue Used to See Birds Every Day

In a previous video, the owner explained that at their last house, birds would flock to their bird feeders "the minute I filled them." But sadly now it isn't the same.

"Now we aren't surrounded by woods and all of her accessible windows are ground level," the video's text overlay states. "The birds aren't coming to visit."

"It hurts my heart to watch her looking for them every day and hardly see any," the woman added.

The mom has been looking for solutions. She just wants to make Rue happy.

Attracting Birds to Your Home

Commenters had a lot of suggestion for the woman. "Aww. They make awesome sticky bird feeders that attach to the windows. Kitty's need bird friends," one person recommended. "Will she watch birds on TV? YouTube has some great videos for cats. My cats love them," someone else suggested. "I'm not sure where you are but you could look up what seeds the local ground birds like and scatter that around. Plant bushes and ornamental grass," a third person added.

Most people recommended that the home owner just have a little patience. It might take some time for birds to start coming to her home, but eventually they'll show and Rue will have her bird buddies back again.

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