Caregiver Support: Ease the stress

Over 65 million Americans care for a family member. One of 20-50 percent of employees care for a loved one before going to work and then return home to care again after a long day of work.

Suzanne Holguin
Suzanne Holguin

Juggling home and work life causes stress in trying to do both jobs well. Here are simple tips that may help ease the stress:

Talk to your employer honestly about your caregiving demands at home. Make an appointment with your supervisor when you are well-rested and feeling your strongest. Discuss your caregiving situation in a professional, emotionally-controlled manner. Do not offer excuses instead reasons for changes in your attendance, work schedule or attitude. Reassure your supervisor that you are committed to your company and success and will continue to be accountable for your duties

Once you reinforce the above commitment with your employer, ask for what you need. Employers will be more receptive to ideas to make the workplace and schedule more manageable for you. Be prepared with suggestions that will help, if coming to work early or staying late, longer lunch hours or working from home. Often employers allow flexibility in the use of comp time, sick days and vacations. In many organizations, fellow employees can donate accrued time off to help a caregiver during a crisis period.

Explore what additional options are available from the company for working caregivers like flex benefits for adult daycare, or use of the Family Care Act with Human Resources.

Caregivers have a higher risk for illness. Those who take care of someone with chronic illness have a 63 percent chance of dying early. Another 63 percent have depression as their most common emotion. Eat well-balanced meals regularly. Take a multivitamin. Exercise regularly. Take a walk outdoors. Strive to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep and nap when possible. Get regular medical checkups and treat ailments before they get serious. Assess your feelings and emotions and seek counseling if needed or join a support group. Keep emotions in check at work. Vent feelings to trusted family and friends, not co-workers. Schedule time for yourself and take 15 minutes to relax, read, meditate or pray. Keep involved with friends and hobbies. Create a support network and/or join a support group. Keep in contact with your church groups and get support.

Contact your council of aging, Friendship Centers of Emmet County, at (231) 347-3211 for local Caregiver Support groups and resource information.

Suzanne Holguin, RN, BSN, is assessment nurse and caregiver support group facilitator at the Friendship Centers of Emmet County.

This article originally appeared on The Petoskey News-Review: Caregiver Support: Ease the stress
