Campaigner wants throwing rings ban to protect seals

A campaigner is calling on the government to ban the sale of plastic throwing rings in order to protect seals.

The toys have been found stuck around the necks of about 30 seals in the UK over the last five years, The Seal Alliance said.

Jenny Hobson, a wildlife campaigner from Norfolk, started an online petition via the UK Parliament website.

The government said it had already taken steps to reduce plastic in the ocean.

In April, a seal was taken to an RSPCA wildlife centre after being discovered with a plastic ring around its neck on Horsey beach, Norfolk.

Ms Hobson, who is a member of Friends of Horsey Seals, said "curious seal pups" were most at risk as they placed their heads through plastic rings before maturing into adults.

"I'm afraid they will die a very long and painful death through infection and starvation because it restricts their ability to hunt," she said.

"When people see the images of the seals they've been immediately shocked and sympathetic but we're just not getting through nationally and I'm afraid it is a national problem now."

Evangelos Achilleos, from the RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Centre, said treating and rehabilitating an adult seal with an "entanglement injury" costed between £10,000 and £15,000.

Both grey seals and harbour seals are protected species, and government legislation covers their illegal harm, taking or killing.

A Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs spokesperson said: "Plastic is a scourge which blights our oceans and harms our marine life.

"It's why we've already taken billions of plastic bags out of circulation, banned plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds and supported proposals for a new legally binding treaty to end plastic pollution.

"We are also ensuring that seals, one of the UK's most iconic mammals, are protected in law – including through both the Wildlife and Countryside Act and the Conservation of Seals Act."

Ms Hobson's petition will need to receive at least 100,000 signatures to be considered for debate in Parliament.

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