Burn permits suspended for Merced, Mariposa and Madera counties, Cal Fire says


Burn permits in Merced, Mariposa and Madera counties have been suspended because of weather and other conditions, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

The suspension, which took effect Monday, bans the residential outdoor burning of landscape debris such as leaves and branches in the State Responsibility Areas of Merced, Mariposa and Madera counties, according to a Cal Fire news release. The suspension comes as warming temperatures and winds are quickly drying out the annual grass crop after a wet winter and above-average snow pack, according to the release.

The increase in fire danger, hotter and drier conditions along with the high volume of dead grass crop prompted the agency to take action.

“The wet winter has allowed us to delay the start of peak fire season; however, the grass is dying and we are starting to see an increase in fire activity,” Cal Fire Unit Chief Mike van Loben Sels said in the news release. “This year’s grass crop will contribute to the spread of wildfire, and firefighters are not letting their guard down.”

Cal Fire said it may issue restricted and temporary burn permits for reasons essential to public health and safety. Burns such as those for agriculture, fire training, land management and other industrial-type burning may proceed if the site is inspected by a Cal Fire official who issues a special permit, according to the release.

The suspension of burn permits for residential debris does not apply to campfires on private property or organized campgrounds, according to Cal Fire. Campfires maintained in a manner to prevent spread to woodland may be permitted. Permits for campfires can be obtained online at preventwildfireca.org or at local fire stations.

According to Cal Fire, firefighters have already responded to more than 1,940 wildfires this year. The agency asks residents to take time to ensure they are prepared for wildfires by maintaining a minimum of 100 feet of defensible space around homes and other buildings on their properties, The agency also advises people to be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Cal Fire’s tips for preparing homes and property include clearing dead and dying vegetation 100 feet around structures, landscaping properties with nonflammable ground cover and fire resistant plants as well as finding other ways to dispose of landscape debris such as chipping or taking it to a biomass energy or green waste facility.

Additional information about how to prepare for wildfires including how to create a defensible space and other tips can be found online at readyforwildfire.org.
