Bulldog’s Over-the-Top Cries After Surgery Are Heartbreakingly Cute

CC AndreiTobosaru/Shutterstock

It isn't easy being a dog. But that doesn't mean they can't be a wee bit over-dramatic sometimes. You know we aren't exaggerating! Dogs can be the biggest drama queens out there. Just like a Bulldog named Harper who was really struggling post-surgery.

The pup's owner couldn't help but laugh at the theatrics in a video she shared online recently.

As the dog mama explained elsewhere on her page, her Bulldog had just gotten a mass removed from her mammary gland. And unfortunately for Harper, the anesthesia hadn't quite worn off.

The video showed Harper recuperating on the couch. We guess she was really going through it because she let out the most gut-wrenching yowl. 


Sadlyfor Harper, her mama couldn't quite help but find the whole thing a little amusing. She started cracking up.

"I'm sorry my love!" she told her. "I feel so bad for laughing but her little howl is so funny I promise she's okay," she added in the caption.

Commenters felt for Harper, but had to admit it was sort of funny. "The anesthesia talk. It’s sad and funny," one person admitted. "It's the dog equivalent of crazy confessions after anesthesia," another commenter joked. "My old Aussie did this! the anesthesia a-woos," a third person shared. "Aw I can't tell if she needs more pain meds or less from that howl/moan," another commenter added.

An Update on Harper

Despite the laughs, people really were concerned for Harper and her wellbeing. Thankfully, her mama gave us all an update so we would know the pup is now a-okay.

The dog was looking significantly better in a second clip she shared recently. She was up, alert, and giving her mama tons of kisses.

"She feels fine now," the mom said in the clip, before adding that the only lingering issues were a little soreness at the site of Harper's incisions.

It's not totally clear if Harper is out of the woods, however. In a previous video on the dog's page, the pet owner explained that the whole thing started when Harper's "puppies were weaned a few months ago."

"We think it's backed up milk but we'll know if it's cancer in a week or so," she added.

We're seriously pulling for Harper and hope her test results come back negative. But in the meantime, it's good to know she's doing better and has her mama around to take good care of her. Feel better, Harper!

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