How Brooke Shields Made Benjamin Bratt More Comfortable During His Mother of the Bride Nude Scene

If you’ve already treated yourself to a viewing of Netflix’s Mother of the Bride, you know darn well which scene we’ve come here to discuss.

If you haven’t, allow us to paint you a picture: Lana (Brooke Shields) has traveled all the way to Thailand for her daughter’s wedding, only to discover that her new son-in-law’s father (Benjamin Bratt) is the man who broke her heart many years ago. If that isn’t awkward enough, Lana accidentally walks in on her ex naked — save for a strategically placed straw.

It’s a quick scene, but it’s also a memorable one for Shields, who referred to shooting it as “the best day of my life” during a recent visit to The View. She then revealed the surprising way she made Bratt comfortable with being naked on camera.

“They have these things called modesty socks,” Shields explained to the co-hosts. “For a woman, it’s a modesty triangle … and they tape it just where the camera’s going to go. … For the person who’s usually been on the other side of worrying about being taped into their clothes, I had such empathy for him — and sadness for myself that he had that damn sock on.”

In all seriousness, Shields said, “He was vulnerable, it was very sweet. They had to reverse and do my side. I said, God, I feel like this is so unfair. So as a surprise to him, I taped my boobs with those sticky tape things and right as he turned around I dropped my dress … just so that he didn’t feel like he was the only one.”

Watch the nude scene in question below:

It’s a wild story, even for an on-set prank, but it’s one Bratt very much appreciated. Shields recalls: “He came to me after and was like, ‘I cannot thank you [enough]. I was feeling so vulnerable.'”

Do you appreciate Shields going the extra mile for her co-star? Grade Mother of the Bride below, then drop a comment with your full review.
