From breaking a couch to breaking barriers, Maryland man transforms due to DDPY

Diamond Dallas Page has made a living out of helping others.

The World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer has been changing lives for over two decades with his DDPYoga program, a fusion of yoga for men who “wouldn’t be caught dead” doing yoga.

He developed it after he suffered a broken back, and soon realized that his workout regimen couldn't just enhance lives, it could save them.

Since 2004, Page has been seeing his program work miracles. We'll look at this Jersey Shore boy’s most inspirational stories through our Transformation Tuesday feature. All have a story of how DDP YOGA changed, and in many cases, saved their lives.

Jason Henry

Havre de Grace, Maryland

Age: 43

Occupation: quality manager Coty, mostly cosmetics and fragrance

Highest weight: 435 pound (according to doctors, he may have been higher)

Lowest weight: 235 pounds

Current: 244 pounds

Even though Jason Henry was an athlete growing up, he was never really comfortable in his own skin.

“I was big most of my life,” Henry said. “I was always just a big guy, I didn’t like the way I looked. I was always the kind of guy who swam with my shirt on. But I could do things like cartwheels, so I justified ‘I’m still active.’ I told myself there were people who were worse.

As a father of two young girls, his world came crashing down after his marriage with his wife ended.

He felt betrayed, worthless.

“I didn’t care how I looked, and I just gave up. That’s when I gained most of my weight.”

Jason Henry was more than 400 pounds at one point. He looks much different now.
Jason Henry was more than 400 pounds at one point. He looks much different now.

Henry was so caught up in raising his girls alone that he completely let his own heath go. Food became his coping mechanism.

He ballooned to over 400 pounds.

Then there was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Or the guy who broke his mom’s couch.

“We were at a family event, I sat on my mom’s couch and I heard it crack,” Henry said. “Everyone heard it. Nobody said anything, they’re my family, but it was bad. Here I was, a dad with two little girls, single dad with full custody. What kind of example am I setting? It put my life in a whole different perspective.”

He knew he not only had to stay healthy for his kids, but he had to set an example for them of someone who could overcome adversity.

Bean: From a broken man to another fight, Butterbean credits DDPY with new lease on life

Luckily his brother was a professional wrestling fan and had seen some incredible transformations that Diamond Dallas Page was heavily involved in.

Stories like how Page helped Jake “The Snake” Roberts were well known to wrestling fans, but there were thousands of other people — normal people — who were able to fix their lives through the program.

“My brother is a huge wrestling fan and he knew of DDP Yoga from that,” Henry said. “I found it on my Roku, while I was in bed, I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t have a lot of guidance. I just found the program, saw the stories and I remembered the first time, I laid there in bed and cried because ‘I can do this.’

“I did the bed workouts for a while, and my brother said he was going to do the beginner program and asked me if I wanted to do it with him.

Jason Henry had plenty of support from people like Diamond Dallas Page and his wife, Payge.
Jason Henry had plenty of support from people like Diamond Dallas Page and his wife, Payge.

“I wasn’t ready, but I said I’ll do it. Dove in head first, went through beginner, intermediate, advanced.”

He was wrong. He was ready.

It’s easy to think ‘you can’t.’

“I tried, I did everything. P90X, Insanity, Orange Theory Fitness, and they’re not meant for people who are completely out of shape that are trying to lose weight,” Henry said. “What I love about DDPY, it met me where I was. P90X, all the people are fit. It’s not giving me any way to modify it, they just tell you to keep up. At 400 pounds, you can’t keep up with that.

"DDPY and Dallas gave me the modifications. Can’t do this? Great! You can do this. It was that that kept me going. When you’re doing, fat burner, he has the people that do the program on stage with him. He shows their transformation. You’re watching and doing the workouts, you can relate. It gives you hope.

Butterbean: From a broken man to another fight, Butterbean credits DDPY with new lease on life

“If they can do it, I can do it. Now I’m on the other side. I’m one of the people they say if he can do it, I can do it. Dallas is just, the way he makes you feel, his voice. He has the most positive personality. When you talk to him, you just feel good. He genuinely cares. He’s not only putting a fitness program out there, he cares.”

While not a wrestling fan, it didn’t take Henry long to become a fan of Page. And then it didn’t take long to become a friend.

Jason Henry does the Black Crow, one of his favorite yoga positions.
Jason Henry does the Black Crow, one of his favorite yoga positions.

“My brother paid for a cameo for me in, I think August 2020,” Henry said. “He got it from Dallas, and he was like an 11 minute cameo, he asked me to call him. We talked, he encouraged me, told me to try foods, told me to do some videos. Some things that scare me. I like Black Crow (yoga position), he pushed me to do that. It’s a move and position that I love. I do it all the time. It’s become a part of me.”

Thanks to DDP Yoga, Henry’s life has completely changed. It made him a better dad — one who can inspire his kids by his own example.

He’s no longer the 400-pound guy who could only workout laying in bed. He’s now a level 1 DDPY trainer who teaches other people how to do exactly what he did.

He’s no longer breaking furniture, he’s breaking barriers.

Instead of wearing a shirt while swimming, he’s competing in bodybuilding contests.

He has gone from losing weight and gaining strength with DDPY, to using DDP’s newest venture, Powercuffs, to build muscle. The Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training tool has allowed him to build muscle with very low weights, and now he’s embarking on a new phase of his transformation. Getting buff! The loose skin is now becoming tight again, but this time with muscle.

He’s completely changed his life. More importantly, he’s changed the lives of his daughters.

He’s always had a great relationship with his daughters, Leilah, 10, and Maragold, 13, but now things are different.

Now dad can do things he couldn’t even think about doing before. So are they.

Jason Henry looks forward to his workouts every day.
Jason Henry looks forward to his workouts every day.

“They really got me through it, doing workouts with me, they were so helpful,” said Henry, who also credits his stepdaughter Everly with providing help and inspiration. “They didn’t have to do that, but they knew it was encouraging me. They kept me going. And I remember and I’ll never forget when Maragold put her arms around me and said ‘Daddy, I can put my arms around you.’ I’m tearing up thinking about it. It’s what keeps me going.”

One of his friends from the DDPY Community, Stephanie Kelly, has a great story you’ll learn next week. Together they are trying to help others do what they did.

They believe the best way to help themselves is to help others.

“Jason is proof of what you can do when you work hard,” Kelly said. “We have become very close, and it’s all because of DDPY. The best part of DDPY is when you learn something, you want to share it. Jason does that by helping people. He’s incredible. And he pushes himself. He pushes himself outside his comfort zone, and that’s a big part of this.”

“You know, I’ll always support DDP and DDPY in everything I do,” Henry said. “It’s part of my life. I’m working on becoming a DDPY FastTrack coach, level one instructor. I’m giving back. I want to help people achieve their goals and live a life of being free and not bound by weight or emotional or any kind of problems. It’s a free life. Let people know ‘you can do that.” It’s rewarding to help people and I want to give back.

“Stay consistent and push into fear. Fear is the biggest barrier for anyone and it shouldn’t be. It can be the smallest of fears. Push into it. Growth happens in the discomfort zone. Unless you’re getting uncomfortable, you’re not going to grow. Push into the things that scare you and do it anyway.”

And who knows, maybe after some hard work, you won’t recognize yourself.

Henry knows what that’s like.

“I’ve had people walk past me and not know who I am. I’ve had people like 'Jason?' They’re blown away by the transformation. People don’t recognize me and I’ve worked with them for so long.

“It’s been a journey and the people at work have been a major part of it. I work with two ladies who have seen me at my worst and now see me at my best. My family. Everyone. I’m better because of this. And it’s going to be part of my life forever.”

Henry’s story is proof that no matter what obstacles you are facing in life you have to believe in your ability to change. You just have to take the first step, and take another one each day.

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: Transformation Tuesday: DDPY completely changes father's life
