'Bowling for Dollars' was the kingpin of Rochester TV back in the 1970s and '80s

Back when TV stations produced more local shows, one program in particular stood out —"Bowling for Dollars."

The show ran on Channel 13 (then WOKR-TV, now WHAM-TV) during two periods in the 1970s and early 1980s. The longtime host was Ron DeFrance, and shows were usually broadcast live (sometimes taped) from the Channel 13 studio, where two bowling lanes were built for the program.

Local residents appeared on the show and it was an immediate hit. The premise seems simple: bowl two consecutive strikes and win a jackpot shared with a "Pin Pal" drawn from a barrel of mailed-in cards from viewers. It wasn't as easy as it sounds, as John Czarnecki recounted in a 1974 Democrat and Chronicle story.

Joan Dreany of Sodus appears on Bowling for Dollars with host Ron DeFrance in 1977.
Joan Dreany of Sodus appears on Bowling for Dollars with host Ron DeFrance in 1977.

"There are many who couldn't roll one strike and gutter balls are in evidence," Czarnecki wrote. "There is the uneasiness of being on TV, which affects everyone."

DeFrance's easygoing style and congenial demeanor seemed to make him the ideal host. He estimated in the 1974 story that five of seven contestants each night were petrified. DeFrance chatted them up but often wound up having one-sided banter with the bashful bowlers.

"These people aren't used to being on television," DeFrance said. "That's why I try to make it enjoyable for them. No doubt, it's a very big thing in their life."

""Bowling for Dollars was a big thing in a lot of people's lives. Debuting locally in August 1973, the show aired at 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and was tops in its time slot and "maybe the highest-rated local show," Czarnecki wrote.

An unidentified bowling contestant lines himself up with the pins.
An unidentified bowling contestant lines himself up with the pins.

Butterflies notwithstanding, those amateur keglers did all right, said Craig Heslor, production manager at WHAM-TV and the former director of "Bowling for Dollars." Production costs, not ratings, led to the show's demise.

"It was a very expensive show," said Heslor, who worked for Channel 13 for 53 years. "We were giving away cars and trips, neat stuff like that. They weren't Cadillacs, but they were brand-new cars. We were always number one in the ratings, but it had to be a 'strong' number one because of all that we were giving away."

Bowling for Dollars was the brainchild of the former Claster TV Productions in Baltimore, which syndicated the show in 25 markets including Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse. It pulled in viewers everywhere. Czarnecki explained why in the 1974 story.

"Its success falls into a failsafe structure," he wrote. "Get as many people on the air, spout names continually, be personable … and give away money to thousands and don't stop until every possible viewer within range becomes a 'name' on the program. It is basic. Simple."

Simply put, people liked tuning in to see people they knew and liked to hear their names mentioned on-air. DeFrance asked contestants, "Who'd you bring with you?" and in-studio supporters dutifully stood and waved to the camera when their names were called. When DeFrance asked whom they wanted to say hi to at home, "Some would pull out a shopping list of names and read the roll … some even said hello to their pets," Czarnecki wrote.

Within its first year, the Rochester Bowling for Dollars had given away more than $100,000 in prizes to more than 2,300 contestants and received more than 825,000 Pin Pal cards, according to news accounts.. To put that in perspective, that money is comparable to $700,000 in prizes in 2023.

That kind of payout caught up with the show, and the first version ended after about five years, said Heslor of WHAM-TV.

Channel 13 brought back Bowling for Dollars a couple of years later with the late Joel Loy as host, but that incarnation only lasted a year or so, Heslor said.

Morrell is a Rochester-based freelance writer.

This story was originally published in March 2014 as part of the Whatever Happened To series.

This article originally appeared on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Bowling for Dollars was hugely popular local TV show in Rochester NY
