This Blue-Collar Job Pays Up To $2.5 Million in 11 Days — Here’s How To Get It

Will Parson / Chesapeake Bay Program
Will Parson / Chesapeake Bay Program

Looking to learn how to become rich? That’s how much some captains on “The Deadliest Catch” make in just a matter of weeks. The popular reality series features crab fishermen looking to catch king crab and snow crab. This practice is known as crabbing and is incredibly lucrative. What’s the catch to these catches?

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Capturing these crabs could cost you your life. That’s part of the reason why it can net you so much cash. However, if you manage to make it out alive, you can come away from crabbing pretty rich. Read on to find out what’s involved in the dangerous job of crabbing and how some fishermen score big paydays.

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Why Is ‘The Deadliest Catch’ So Deadly?

There are a couple of reasons why crabbing is such a risky career. Some of crab fishing’s dangers can be attributed to the size of the boat the fishermen use. The boats are small, which means they’re more likely to sink or capsize than larger boats. Larger boats also often come with safety programs, but that’s not always the case for small boats like the ones used for crabbing. This leaves those sailing without much help when things go awry and without a lot of supplies on board that could help in a medical emergency.

The risk of stepping into and tripping over the rope aboard the boat also adds danger for fishermen. These ropes are connected to pots with hundreds of pounds of crabs in them, and could very easily cause a fall. Even if those on the boat don’t die, there are lots of injuries every year due to crab fishing.

Another reason crabbing can be so dangerous is due to the time of year. Crab season — specifically snow crab, red crab and blue crab — falls during the winter months. If a fisherman falls off the boat, they’re submerged in extremely cold water and would demand immediate medical attention for survival. Not to mention, crabbing is a grueling job that can often last 18 hours or more. Many fishermen suffer from exhaustion or injuries due to a lack of alertness after hours of being on the boat.

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How Do You Begin Crabbing?

If those hazardous circumstances don’t scare you, then you might be the right person to start a career in crabbing. Your first step is heading to the area where it happens. Crab fishing takes place in a variety of places, including Seattle, The Bering Sea, the Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska.

The next step is getting in shape. Crabbing is physically demanding work that requires both strength and stamina. It’s best to have a combination of weightlifting and cardio in your exercise routine so you can feel prepared to handle the hundreds of pounds of crab for hours at a time.

Once you’re physically ready, you might be required to take a crab fishing course and get a license depending on the state you’re in. Even if you’re not, this could be helpful to you to learn more about crabbing. Then, talk to boat captains and other fishermen who go crab fishing in your area. See if you can accompany them on a few trips just to see what’s required and work as a deckhand. Once you feel comfortable going on your own trips, invest in crabbing equipment and strengthen your connections with captains to get hired.

How Much Can You Really Make?

Does every fisherman make millions once they start crabbing professionally? The truth is not everyone does, but it’s possible. Your payment is based on how much crab you catch, so if you’re delivering record amounts of crab, you’re going to be paid well for it. Jake Anderson was one of the captains featured on “The Deadliest Catch” and said he once made $2.5 million in 11 days. Another captain, Sig Hansen, was featured on the show and has a net worth of $3.5 million.

However, other captains have made far less money — $150,000 to $170,000 in a season — which is still good for only working for a few weeks a year. According to Comparably, the average salary per year for a professional crabber is $79,931. With the average salary in the United States at $59,384, being a professional crab fisherman brings in significantly more money. And, again, you’re only working for a portion of the year. You could significantly bring up your salary if you continue to work another job the rest of the year, though that salary doesn’t necessarily require it.

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This article originally appeared on This Blue-Collar Job Pays Up To $2.5 Million in 11 Days — Here’s How To Get It
