Black-and-White Cat Shows German Shepherd Whose Territory He's Trespassing on in Funny Video
Sometimes, it’s tough to tell what is on the minds of the animals in your neighborhood. Other times, such as this hilarious clip of a cat stalking a German Shepherd to dared to invade their territory—malicious intent can be easily read on their adorable, furry face.
We don’t even need the voiceover, man. It’s obvious that a scene is about to go down.
In this funny video, a German Shepherd begins to chase a black cat down the sidewalk. As the cat scampers off, another, black-and-white cat, emerges from the bushes and is clearly not having it. Despite the human’s intent to intervene, this cat boldly stalks up to the intruder, murder evident on her sweet little face.
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And even the German Shepherd can feel it. In the clip, you can see him backing up, as if he’s realized that even though he is many times larger than the cat, he’s gotten himself in far too deep.
Cats Know Their Territory
Cats are territorial critters. It’s one of the reason they often do well being let out to roam the neighborhood. They have an excellent sense of direction and can pretty easily tell their way back home. Of course, this is little comfort to the scores of wild birds and other wildlife these invasive predators can kill if left to their own devices outside, not to mention the wimpy dogs who may trespass upon their domain.
In some cultures, cat’s territorial nature has given rise to certain superstitions. It’s said in Japan that if you lose your house cat, you should appeal to the stray cats in your neighborhood. Tell them that your cat is lost and they will direct the poor creature back to your door. (If I lost my own cat, I would not hesitate to try it—after all, it couldn’t hurt.)
Even indoor cats exert their territorial rights—it’s one of the qualities that make them such an excellent source of pest control. If mice invade your home, cats will be sure to make short work of them.
In this video, you definitely see that the black and white cat is sticking up for his black cat friend. The second the black cat goes to hide, the bicolor cat is on the case. And they aren’t scared of the dog one tiny bit.
The Truth About Cats and Dogs Being Friends
Though the stereotype goes that cats and dogs do not make the best companions, many get along great. Some neighborhood cats love the dogs that daily stroll through their streets so much that they wait for them to come by every day and hang out.
This German Shepherd, however, did not put his best foot forward. His curiosity about the black cat may have convinced the other kitty that he was not to be trusted, or even posed some kind of danger.
“Tuxedo cat really said, ‘Not on my block,’” said one person watching this video.
Another laughed at the dialogue in the clip, as the German Shepherd’s mom tried to calm her dog by saying, Gunner, you’re friendly,” while the black and white cat is obviously plotting a scene of total canine annihilation.
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