Black dad’s calm response to ‘f---ing n-----’ comment goes viral, Dillard’s employee fired


A Black father’s composure in the face of bigotry went viral this week, as he calmly reprimanded a department store employee who called him a “f---ing n-----.”

The man, who has not been identified, tells the Dillard’s worker that his 10-year-old son heard the comment and proceeds to coolly dismantle the employee’s shaken responses.

(Warning: Graphic language)

“It’s unacceptable, you shouldn’t do that,” the man tells the employee, who he refers to as Homer but whose nametag cannot be seen in the video. “You don’t know the impact of what you’ve done to my son. But maybe you were unaware.”

“You shouldn’t be speaking that way, period,” the father continues. “If you know that, why do that, man?”

The employee then blames his leg pain for his racism. Despite the preposterousness of the statement, the father asks a simple question: “You hurt your leg, so you said f---ing n-----?”

After a short back-and-forth, the father explains how the employee never knows “what straw could break the camel’s back” and cause someone to snap.

“Treat human beings with respect and morals and values,” the father says. “Now I have to go home and correct my 10-year-old not to be a damn idiot.”

Internet users bombarded Dillard’s on social media, asking the company if the employee faced any consequences. The company repeatedly responded with: “The allegations made against our former employee were promptly investigated, found to be in clear violation of our standards, and his employment with Dillard’s was immediately terminated.”

The video was posted Sunday on Instagram and has racked up thousands of likes and numerous supportive comments.

“God bless this young Black king for his level of maturity,” one person wrote. “He sure (was) raised with love and values.”
