New biography about 'Wild Bill' Hickok debunks popular myths about the American gunman

After more than 22 years of research and writing, Craig Crease is looking forward to debunking popular myths about frontiersman "Wild Bill" Hickok, including one based in Springfield.

This June, Crease's first biography, "The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West" is to be released. The 500-plus page book is published by Caxton Press, an Idaho-based publisher known for its books on the American West. The biography documents the life of James Butler Hickok, more commonly known as "Wild Bill" Hickok, from "cradle to grave," Crease said.

Based in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina but originally from Kansas, 72-year-old Crease said he's always had an interest in people who are a bit "off center," which is what drew him to Hickok. He also has a vested interest in the American West, as he spent about 30 years as an independent consultant for the National Parks Service on the history of the region. As he began to read about Hickok, however, Crease said some stories didn't seem to add up. He wanted to dig deeper.

In addition to academic research, Crease referenced a series of recollections gathered by a late author who wrote about Hickok. According to Crease, these recollections are first-hand accounts from folks who interacted with Hickok. They provided Crease with a better idea of the type of person Hickok really was. Crease did not disclose the name of the late author or the institution where these recollections are located.

"The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West" is a biography written by Craig Crease. The book is to be released in June 2024.
"The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West" is a biography written by Craig Crease. The book is to be released in June 2024.

"The Wanderer" features several photographs, including one captured of Hickok in Springfield.

In 1865, Hickok was living at Lyon House, a boarding house formerly located at 318 South Ave. in downtown Springfield. Today, this is where Systematic Savings Bank is located.

"There was a photographer; his name was Charles Scholten. Scholten took a photograph of him (Hickok) in the Lyon House. That photograph was lost, but it had originally been a photograph that 'Harper's (New Monthly) Magazine' had used partially to come out with an article that made Hickok nationally famous," Crease said. "It was lost until 1989."

A photograph of James Butler Hickok, commonly known as "Wild Bill" Hickok, captured by Charles Scholten in Springfield, Missouri in 1865.
A photograph of James Butler Hickok, commonly known as "Wild Bill" Hickok, captured by Charles Scholten in Springfield, Missouri in 1865.

According to Crease, in 1989, the photograph resurfaced at a military supply store in Springfield.

Building a case against common myths, including those set in Springfield

Researching and writing "The Wanderer" felt like building a case against the countless myths that surround Hickok, Crease said. Many of these myths, he added, make Hickok out to sound crueler and crazier than he actually was. A common story is about Hickok's horse, Black Nell, which was perpetuated in Springfield.

According to Crease, in 1865, when Hickok was living in Springfield, a "Harper's New Monthly Magazine" reporter came into town, looking to write a story about Hickok.

Craig Crease is the author of "The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West." The biography is to be released in June 2024.
Craig Crease is the author of "The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West." The biography is to be released in June 2024.

"Not only does he describe Hickok as a frontier hedonist ... he (wrote that Hickok) has this incredible horse, Black Nell, that at Hickok's whistle will immediately lie down on the grass and not move," Crease said. "He used to ride Black Nell into the saloons of Springfield and have Black Nell stand up on the billiard table and jump out onto South (Avenue), right through the front doors. It was a complete lie. Hickok didn't tell him that story. Back when that story came out, Hickok said, 'The horse story is not true.'"

After about 22 years of conducting research for "The Wanderer," Crease said he took advantage of being home during the COVID-19 pandemic to write the biography.

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"Rather than sitting around and watching Netflix and Hulu during the whole time, I wrote a book," Crease said with a laugh. It took him 15 months to write the biography in full.

Who was 'Wild Bill' Hickok?

Hickok was born May 27, 1837 in Troy Grove, Illinois and grew up in a sophisticated, well-educated family. He is famously known as a solider, scout, lawman, gambler and actor. He is also considered one of the greatest gunfighters in the American West. As Tiger Woods is to golf and Michael Jordan is to basketball, Hickok was to gunfighting, Crease said.

More than his stay at the Lyon House, Hickok is known in Springfield for his involvement in a shootout at Park Central Square. On July 21, 1865, Hickok shot and killed skilled gunfighter David Tutt on the Square because Tutt was flaunting a watch he had won off Hickok in a game of poker the day before. Information about the shootout is available on the Square and inside the History Museum on the Square.

Over his career, Hickok shot and killed six individuals. He hung his gun up after accidentally shooting and killing a colleague in Abilene, Kansas in 1871.

After a life of fame, Hickok was shot and killed on Aug. 2, 1876 during a poker game in Deadwood, South Dakota. He was 39 years old.

Where can you purchase 'The Wanderer: James Butler Hickok and the American West'?

Once released, "The Wanderer" will be available for purchase on the Caxton Press website and Amazon, Crease said. He also expects the biography to be picked up by retail and independent bookstores.

Greta Cross is the trending topics reporter for the Springfield News-Leader. She has more than five years of journalism experience covering everything from Ozarks history to Springfield’s LGBTQIA+ community. Follow her on X and Instagram @gretacrossphoto. Story idea? Email her at

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: New biography about 'Wild Bill' Hickok debunks popular myths
