'Big Brother 26's Second Eviction Goes from a Tense Argument into a Shocking Blindside

Usually Week 2 is when a status quo gets set up in the house, with everyone getting their sea legs for the game. That's not the case with Big Brother 26, however. Even without Angela in the HoH room, she was still the source of plenty of drama, including a heated conflict that led to a breakdown between her and her tightest ally. And it all culminated in yet another tense AI Arena competition and eviction.

Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was evicted.

Related: Everything to Know About Big Brother 26

Who was eliminated on Big Brother 26 tonight?

Lisa Weintraub<p>Sonja Flemming/CBS</p>
Lisa Weintraub

Sonja Flemming/CBS

Lisa Weintraub

Lisa Weintraub is a self-proclaimed "vibe curator." However, her eventful two weeks in the Big Brother house has her primarily looked at for the bad vibes around her. She unintentionally cooked up a feud with Tucker Des Lauriers on the very first night, and got put up on the block by Angela Murray as an "easy" target. Luckily, Lisa immediately secured her safety, winning the veto. But that still didn't keep her in the loop, as she was caught in the minority in the first eviction. Suspicion continued to draw around Lisa, as she was suspected for both lying about her vote and having a power. It was a tumultuous week for Lisa, who also got into a number of conflicts with Angela, most recently when the real estate agent mocked her walk and called her a "twit." Regardless, Lisa was confident that Angela was causing so much drama that the numbers would be on her side. But, for the second week in a row, it was a blindside. Despite being told otherwise, Lisa was evicted near-unanimously, walking out speechless and stoic.

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Who Won the "AI Arena" competition tonight?

Tucker Des Lauriers

Tucker asked to be put as the block as a renomination, hoping to beat Angela and his nemesis Lisa in the AI Arena competition. And he did just that, bellowing that he really liked puzzles as he completed one with ease.

Who won Head of Household for Week 3?

The Head of Household competition did not play out in the eviction episode. We'll see who won HoH in Sunday's episode.

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Big Brother 26

Who's left in the game on Big Brother 25?

Angela Murray

Brooklyn Rivera

Cam Sullivan-Brown

Cedric Hodges

Chelsie Baham

Joseph Rodriguez

Kenney Kelley

Kimo Apaka

Leah Peters

Makensy Manbeck

Matt Hardeman

Quinn Martin

Rubina Bernabe

T'kor Clottey

Tucker Des Lauriers

Next, check out our interview with Matt Hardeman, who was evicted in Big Brother 26 Week 1.
