'Big Brother 25's "Zombie" Twist Concludes with One Player's Return

One week ago, Big Brother 25 experienced an intense double eviction that sent out two power players. But their games were not over for good, as they were immediately sent back into the house as "zombies" for "Scary Week." Now, either Cameron or Jared is given one last shot at earning a spot at resurrection, or risk their game dying for good.

Check out more information about tonight's episode below and find out who was evicted.

Related: Everything to Know About Big Brother 25

Who was eliminated on Big Brother 25 tonight?

<p>Sonja Flemming/CBS</p>

Sonja Flemming/CBS

Jared Fields

Jared was stunned to find himself go from the penthouse in the outhouse in last week's double eviction. But he was granted a second life in the game when he became a "Big Brother Zombie." Unfortunately, he lost the "Resurrection Rumble," giving Cameron the chance to compete in the "Do or Die" challenge. And, in this case, Cameron did, and Jared died.

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Who won Head of Household for Week 9?

Due to the nature of the "zombie" episode, the Head of Household competition was not run on the eviction episode. We won't know the results until Sunday's installment.

Related: Meet the Full Cast of Big Brother 25

Who's left in the game on Big Brother 25?

America Lopez

Blue Kim

Bowie Jane

Cameron Hardin

Cirie Fields

Cory Wurtenberger

Felicia Cannon

Jag Bains

Matt Klotz

Mecole Hayes

Next, check out our interview with Izzy Gleicher, who was evicted during Big Brother 25 Week 6.
