Biden's approval rating falls to 38% in Gallup poll

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell to 38% in February just one percentage point away from his all-time low, according to the latest Gallup poll released Friday.

The poll, conducted from Feb. 1 to Feb. 20 with 1,016 adults, found that 38% of respondents approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, while 59% disapprove. 2% of respondents had no opinion.

His latest approval rating is three percentage points lower than his rating in January, which was 41%. Biden had previously registered an all-time low approval rating of 37% in surveys conducted by Gallup in April, October and November of last year.

The poll also found that Biden’s approval ratings among five key issues (the situation in Ukraine, the economy, foreign affairs, the situation in the Middle East and immigration) were below 50%, with his lowest marks in immigration.

Only 28% of respondents approve of the way Biden is handling immigration while 67% disapprove. 5% of respondents don’t have an opinion.

While “few Republicans express approval” for any of the five key issues, Democrats largely approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, the situation in Ukraine and foreign affairs, according to the Gallup survey. But only “bare majorities of Democrats” approve of his handling of immigration and the Middle East situation.

“Looking ahead to November, history suggests that Biden has significant work to do to improve his approval rating among independents as well as Democrats if he is to win a second term,” according to the Gallup poll news release.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Though Biden’s approval rating has slipped, some polls show him beating former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical matchup. A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday found that Biden holds onto a slight four-point lead over Trump, 49-45%.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden's approval rating falls to 38%, according to latest Gallup survey
