If it’s Biden vs. Trump in 2024, the president has a better chance of winning | Opinion

If the 2024 elections are a rematch of the 2020 race and pit President Biden against former President Trump — which most people don’t want, but seems increasingly likely — Biden has the best chances of winning.

Granted, Biden is a terrible speaker, makes frequent gaffes and would be 82 in the first year of his second term, which would make him the oldest president in U.S. history. But Biden has done pretty well on several fronts recently, and he may look even politically stronger next year.

Whether you look at the stock market, technological innovation, unemployment, the post-pandemic recovery, the defense of civil rights, the fight against climate change or foreign affairs, the United States is in a much better position than it was when Trump left office.

Let’s start with America’s standing in the world. Trump had threatened to withdraw from the NATO military alliance, and U.S.-European ties were at a record low. Biden not only has rebuilt the Atlantic alliance, but has forged a much-wider pro-Western coalition after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In addition to revamping U.S. ties with Europe, Biden has managed to add Japan, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and several other previously neutral or uncommitted countries to the anti-Russian front.

Even Turkey seems to be increasingly tilting toward the West. It recently resubmitted its request for membership of the European Union and gave a green light to Sweden’s petition to join NATO.

If you look at the world in terms of alliances, rather than countries, the United States is leading the biggest pro-Western alliance in many decades.

Meantime, China and Russia have growing economic problems. China has seen its economy fall from 10% annual rates in recent decades to an expected 5.2% this year and is facing a huge demographic problem as its population rapidly ages.

Russia’s economy is fizzling under international sanctions after its disastrous invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin looks weaker after his losses on the battlefront and a recent rebellion from his own mercenary forces.

Granted, America still faces a likely post-pandemic recession, but most economists say it will be milder than originally feared. Inflation is coming down, and U.S. interest rates are expected to fall early next year, in time to recharge the economy before the November elections.

The world’s biggest technological revolution in decades — the emergence of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence-powered chatbots — is happening right here in the United States.

Unemployment remains at 3.6%, one of its lowest rates in decades. The stock market’s Dow Jones index has risen about 16% so far this year, to nearly 35,300 as I’m writing this. It was at 30,900 when Trump left office in January 2021.

When it comes to the electoral map, Biden’s huge infrastructure and climate-change bills signed over the past two years are beginning to produce big private investments in clean energies and computer chips in key swing states, such as Arizona and Georgia.

Arizona alone is expected to get $69 billion in new investments, the White House says. “Biden has presided over an explosion of manufacturing construction, including throughout red America,” Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent wrote recently.

For sure, Biden’s age will be an issue. And Trump would make the most of images of Biden looking old, trying to portray him as senile. Problem is, Trump would be 78 if elected next year.

And Democrats would also have plenty of videos to depict Trump as a dangerous nutcase, like when he suggested injecting disinfectant to people infected with COVID-19.

Just as important, many voters would be hesitant to vote for Trump, because he would be a part-time president. Trump is facing so many simultaneous indictments and lawsuits, that he would have to spend a good part of his time in office appearing in various courts across the country.

If a Biden vs. Trump election were held today, Biden would beat Trump by 49% to 45%, a new Quinnipiac poll shows.

A lot of things can happen between now and Election Day, but barring a Biden health problem or an economic downturn, I wouldn’t be surprised if that gap widens even further in Biden’s favor.

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