Biden Tests Negative for COVID, Leaves Isolation

Brendan Smialowski

President Joe Biden tested negative for Covid and will leave isolation Wednesday after five days, the White House said.

Biden received a negative Covid test Tuesday evening and again Wednesday morning and his symptoms have almost completely resolved, White House doctor Kevin O’Connor said in a letter. As a precaution, Biden will wear a mask for 10 days when around others, O’Connor said.

Biden will deliver remarks at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday from the Rose Garden discussing his negative test and using his experience to discuss where the nation is in its fight against the virus and the availability of vaccines and antivirals, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The president tweeted out a photo of a negative rapid Covid test. “Back to the Oval,” he said.

Biden tested positive for Covid on July 21 during a routine test and was experiencing a runny nose, cough and sore throat. He began taking the antiviral Paxlovid, a five-day course of treatment, and his doctor has said Biden’s symptoms steadily improved over that period. Biden is fully vaccinated and has received two booster shots.

Because a small percentage of people taking Paxlovid have a rebound of their infection once they stop taking the treatment, Biden will continue to be regularly tested for Covid, O’Connor said.

The White House has sought to use Biden’s relatively mild illness and quick recovery to encourage Americans to get vaccinated and boosted, which data shows reduces the risk of hospitalization and death. They have also encouraged people to follow Biden’s lead and start taking Paxlovid as soon as they test positive.

The White House said it is following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that say people infected can leave isolation after five days if their symptoms are improving and they are fever free for 24 hours. The CDC guidelines don’t recommend a negative Covid test, which the White House says is an added precaution they are taking.

If people leave isolation after five days, the CDC says they should wear a well-fitting mask, refrain from traveling, and avoid people at risk for severe illness for an additional five days.
