Biden visits IBM in Hudson River Valley to highlight $20B expansion plan and campaign with Democrats

President Joe Biden said Thursday that a $20 billion investment by IBM in New York’s Hudson River Valley would help give the United States a technological edge against China, hailing the expansion during an appearance with two House Democrats in competitive races in next month’s midterm elections.

The CHIPS and Science Act, which won uncommon bipartisan support in Congress, was signed into law in August. The legislation was needed for national and economic security, said Biden adding that “the Chinese Communist Party actively lobbied against” it.

“The United States has to lead the world of producing these advanced chips — this law is going to make sure that it will,” Biden said.

President Joe Biden
President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden (STEFANI REYNOLDS/)

Overall, Democratic candidates have avoided election-year appearances with Biden due to recent approval ratings. Bucking that trend in New York were Reps. Sean Patrick Maloney and Pat Ryan. Both legislators are locked in tight congressional races that are considered critical to Democratic hopes of holding the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

The lawmakers and Gov. Kathy Hochul greeted Biden upon his arrival at Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, New York.

“When I heard @POTUS was looking to see the benefits of the CHIPS & Science Act first-hand, I told him that the Hudson Valley was the perfect place,” Maloney wrote Wednesday on Twitter. “I’m thrilled to host him in Poughkeepsie this week to celebrate the major wins and good-paying jobs we are delivering here in NY.”

Maloney, chairman of the powerful Democratic congressional campaign fundraising arm, is running against Republican state Assemblyman Mike Lawler in the 17th Congressional District. Ryan won a close special election to serve out the term of Antonio Delgado, who vacated his 19th District seat after he was appointed lieutenant governor by Hochul. Ryan is running for a full term in the 18th District, where he lives.

After his update visit, Biden will attend two fundraisers: the first in central New Jersey at the home of Gov. Phil Murphy in support of the Democratic National Committee. In the evening, Biden is expected to attend the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee fundraiser in Manhattan hosted by James Murdoch, the son of News Corp. publisher Rupert Murdoch.

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