This Is the Best Time To Eat Lunch if You Want To Lose Weight, According to an Obesity Doctor

Woman eating lunch at a certain time to lose weight.

When it comes to weight loss, consistency is key—as is meal prep and planning. But no matter how hard you may try to stay the course as far as living a healthy lifestyle is concerned, factors like what time you eat your lunch can get in the way—and derail your intended progress.

In fact, what you eat for lunch is just as crucial for weight loss as when you break for it, according to Dr. Rekha B. Kumar, MD, MS, the chief medical officer at the medically-assisted weight loss program Found. Metabolism and circadian rhythms also come into play and should be taken into account, when you're trying to get in better shape.

"Metabolism is closely tied to circadian rhythms, which is your body’s natural clock," explains Dr. Kumar, "and your circadian rhythm causes changes in hormones like insulin and melatonin, so aligning your lunch with your circadian rhythm can help increase weight loss as well."

So how exactly does one align lunchtime with their body's natural clock and what's the best time to eat lunch if you're trying to lose weight? Here's the doctor-approved answer to that very question. 

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What's the Best Time To Eat Lunch if You're Trying To Lose Weight?

Generally speaking, Dr. Kumar says it’s best to eat lunch between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., or about 4-5 hours after breakfast to keep your blood sugar stable, as well as ensure you don’t overeat during lunch. That means if you eat breakfast around 8:00 a.m., then you should plan to eat lunch around 12:00 or 1:00 p.m. 

A recent study by Northwestern Medicine backs up this methodology as well, stating dinnertime should follow the same schedule as your earlier meals, making sure there are no more than four to five hours between lunch and dinner. "If a snack is needed to tide you over under the next meal, keep the portion size controlled to avoid overeating," explains Dr. Kumar. "And try to eat something with protein like a ½ cup of cottage cheese topped with blueberries or a handful of almonds with low-fat string cheese."

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When Should You Not Eat Lunch?

The worst times for a lunch break would be too soon after breakfast or too close to dinner. Dr. Kumar notes that if you eat lunch too early, you will end up hungry before it’s time to eat dinner and may overeat when you have your afternoon snack. If you eat lunch too late, you may be overly hungry and might be tempted to make poorer meal choices during lunch or overconsume calories.

Healthy Lunch Ideas for Weight Loss

While some would assume a healthy lunch is limited to a boring bowl of greens, Dr. Kumar's go-to lunch for weight loss includes at least 30 grams of protein, some fiber and a little healthy fat. "A good example would be a turkey sandwich on multigrain bread with cheese and sliced avocado with a side of fruit like an orange or apple," she says.

Another favorite of hers is a salad with baby spinach, grilled chicken, reduced-fat feta cheese, strawberries, avocado and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. She is also pro power bowls and suggests making one with quinoa, diced sweet potatoes, rotisserie chicken and arugula with a low-fat salad dressing. "You can even make your own light dressing with low-fat Greek yogurt, lemon juice, herbs and red wine vinegar that also packs a punch of protein," she adds. 

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Foods To Avoid at Lunch

Dr. Kumar advises skipping overly processed foods such as fast food burgers and fries, white bread and processed meats like hot dogs or bologna. She also suggests avoiding carb-centric meals like frozen packaged pasta or pizzas because they won’t keep you full all afternoon and you’ll be searching for a snack within a few hours. "A high-carb meal at lunch can cause your blood glucose levels to spike, which may lead to storing the extra glucose your body doesn’t use for energy as body fat," she says.

What If I Don't Have Time for Lunch?

Even if your day goes awry with a million last-minute meetings and to-dos, never skip lunch. Dr. Kumar says the worst thing you can do is skip lunch altogether because it could cause an increase in cortisol, leading you to feel stressed and angry. "If you absolutely can’t eat lunch, I would suggest a consuming protein-packed snack such as a handful of almonds and a protein bar or protein shake," she shares. Just make sure to look at the ingredients to find one low in sugar that will help keep your blood sugar stable and avoid an afternoon crash.

Next up: How Many Calories Should I Eat To Lose Weight?

