The Best Recession Advice From Warren Buffett and Other Mega-Rich People

Elon Musk Jeff Bezos
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Sharing the Wealth (of Knowledge)

The mega-wealthy must be doing something right, so why not turn to them for advice during these tough economic times? We survey a selection of those who have truly made it financially in search of some tips we poorer mortals might incorporate into our financial lives.

Related: How to Build Generational Wealth

Philanthropist Warren Buffett is joined onstage by 24 other philanthropist and influential business people featured on the Forbes list of 100 Greatest Business Minds during the Forbes Media Centennial Celebration
Daniel Zuchnik/Getty Images

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, the famed American businessman, investor and philanthropist, memorably noted in 2009 — as the Great Recession was ending that  “the best thing to do is invest in yourself.” As shared by CNBC, he offered more advice this spring during the annual shareholders meeting of his company, Berkshire Hathaway: “The best thing you can do is to be exceptionally good at something … Whatever abilities you have can’t be taken away from you. They can’t actually be inflated away from you. The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and it’s not taxed at all.”

Related: Warren Buffett's Best Advice Isn't Just for Millionaires

Jim Cramer
Jim Spellman/Getty Images

Jim Cramer

TV host and author Jim Cramer shared thoughts on recession-smart investing. As reported by CNBC, which airs his “Mad Money” show, Cramer said: “The Dow Jones Industrial Average is filled with relatively cheap stocks because traders assume these 30 old-line companies are the most vulnerable to a recession. But that’s not true: That’s wrong. The Dow components all know how to handle a recession.”

Related: 50 Ways to Prepare for a Recession 

Jeff Bezos
Alex Wong/ Getty Images

Jeff Bezos

Entrepreneur, investor and founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos sat down with CNN recently and offered some recession advice, including one that really rings true — hold off on big-ticket items. As he said, “Take some risk off the table. Just a little bit of risk reduction could make the difference.”

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Barbara Corcoran
Jacqueline Zaccor

Barbara Corcoran

A real-estate mogul, investor, columnist and, perhaps, most famously, a participant on “Shark Tank,” Barbara Corcoran recently shared thoughts on small businesses retaining customers in a recession. Her advice, which applied during the height of the pandemic but continues to ring true: “You don't want to solve the problem and offer the solution when they’ve left you. You want to offer an alternate solution while they’re with you.”

Mark Cuban
Robin L Marshall / Getty Images

Mark Cuban

The billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, another famed participant of “Shark Tank,” said that a recession is the optimum time to take advantage of low interest rates: “Refinance your student loan and any other debt you have.”

Related: 13 Small Business Tips to Borrow From "Shark Tank"

Suze Orman
Taylor Hill / Getty Images

Suze Orman

Personal finance expert Suze Orman says that in a recession, a few things can be done. One must assume he or she will lose their job so create an emergency cushion; it’s key to pay down your credit card debt; and finally, strive to spend less than you earn. As shared by Motley Fool’s The Ascent, Orman says to count on your own help, unlike government aid during the pandemic: “This time, the government isn’t going to save you. You’re going to have to save yourself.”

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey, a personal finance expert, radio host and author, has shared his thoughts on the recession and budgeting. In a detailed post on his website, Ramsey summed up his approach to recession thusly: “So, recession or not, our proven plan is still the same: Live on a budget, pay off debt, save for emergencies, invest for retirement, and live and give like no one else.” 

Bill Gates
Taylor Hill / Getty Images

Bill Gates

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, a business magnate and philanthropist, shared his thoughts with CNN on the Great Recession, facing global crises,  and offering advice that holds true for multiple scenarios, always keeping caution at the forefront: “You can only be optimistic in the long term if you are pessimistic enough to survive in the short term.”

Elon Musk
Saul Martinez/Getty Images

Elon Musk

Business magnate, investor — and man in the news most every day thanks to the Twitter deal — Elon Musk has shared his business take on the recession, as reported by Business Insider. It can be applied to a business or an individual: “Make sure you’re not running things too close to the edge from a capital standpoint.” Capital reserves are needed to survive “irrational times.” 

Related: Eccentric Projects of the Super Rich

Richard Branson
John Lamparski/ Getty Images

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur Richard Branson of Virgin Group fame has shared advice over the years that still holds true, including a piece he wrote for Canadian Business in 2011. As he wrote, “The answer is think big, but build small. Create something you’re proud of, but don’t let it swallow you financially. You don’t need to slather money over a good idea. A good idea will grow by itself.”   

asset statement showing diversification and pie chart with pen

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