The Best Exercise Plan if You Want To Get a Smaller Waist, According to Fitness Trainers

For many people, the first place excess fat accumulates is around the middle—which is also the hardest place to lose fat. In addition to it being annoying, having excessive abdominal fat is linked to an increased risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. So, what is the best way to get rid of it?

If you think doing hundreds of crunches every day is the best way to get a smaller waist and get rid of excessive abdominal fat, think again. Here, personal trainers specializing in weight loss set the record straight about common misconceptions they hear from people on the best way to get a smaller waist. Plus, find out what actually works.

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Myths About the Best Way To Get a Smaller Waist

If your health goal is to get a smaller waist, it seems logical to prioritize core-strengthening exercises like sit-ups. But Mariana Santos, PT, a personal trainer and owner of Brazily Fitness Inc, says it’s a myth that this is the best way to go about it. “Unfortunately, lots of people still think that the best way to get a smaller waist or get a six-pack is by doing a million different sit-ups and crunches,” she says.

Matt Claes, PT, a personal trainer at Weight Loss Made Possible, agrees that going all-in on crunches is not the best way to get a smaller waist. “Doing [exercise moves like] crunches, sit-ups and side-bends can make your core muscles bigger, but when it comes to losing any body fat on top of these muscles, you are using your time in a very suboptimal way,” he says.

Something else that isn’t worth your time is waist training, or wearing a corset-like type of shapewear worn to alter the shape and appearance of the midsection. Certified personal trainer Rachel Trotta, CPT, previously explained to Parade that not only do waist trainers not work for getting a smaller waist, they are also dangerous—disrupting core stability and strength.

Related: 12 Trainers Share Their Favorite Workouts for Weight Loss—and Yes, Walking Counts! 

The Best Exercises for Getting a Smaller Waist

If doing lots of crunches or wearing a waist trainer doesn’t lead to getting a smaller waist, what does? Santos and Claes both offer the same advice: maintain a calorie deficit and focus on an exercise routine with both cardio and strength training.

“These types of exercises will help you burn the most amount of energy with the least amount of time spent in the gym. If you combine these with good habits in other lifestyle areas, you should start seeing your waist get smaller,” Claes says.

Santos emphasizes that it’s not possible to burn fat in a specific area of the body through exercise; that’s why it’s more important to focus on overall calorie burn, which is where cardiovascular activities are beneficial. Examples of cardiovascular exercises include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and rowing.

Whichever type of exercise is your favorite, as long as you are getting your heart rate up, your body is benefitting. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise a week.

Related: These Are the 30 Best Cardio Exercises of All Time to Get Your Heart Pumping

As both Claes and Santos explained, in addition to cardio exercise, strength training exercises can also help reduce fat around the middle. Plus, Santos says that strength training exercises that focus on the shoulders and upper back can help give the illusion of a smaller waist. “As your back gets stronger and more developed, it will create a more hourglass figure which will make your waist look smaller,” she says. Need some to try? Here, Santos and Claes give three examples, which they recommend doing twice a week:

Lat pull-down: This exercise move requires a lat pull-down machine. To do this exercise move, sit on the pulldown machine, facing the bar. You should be able to reach the bar without standing up; if you can’t, adjust the bar to your height. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Pull it down until the bar is level with your chin. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your back should be straight the whole time. Slowly return the bar to the starting position. Do three sets of five to 10 reps.

Single-arm dumbbell rows: This exercise move requires an exercise bench and dumbbell. The dumbbell should feel moderately heavy, neither too easy or too difficult to lift. Start by placing your left knee on the exercise bench and your right foot on the floor, with a slight bend in your right knee. Place your left hand on the bench to support your body. Hold the dumbbell in your right hand. Slowly pull the dumbbell up toward your armpit. Slowly lower it back to the starting position. Do 10 reps. Then, switch sides. Do two more rounds of 10 reps per side.

Deadlifts: This move requires a barbell and bumper plates. Start by standing in front of the barbell with your feet hip-width distance apart. Bend your knees slightly and maintain a straight spine the entire time. Grab the barbell and lift it above your knees, grazing your legs as you pull it up. Lower the bar back down. Do three sets of five to 10 reps.

While Santos and Claes say that it may take a while for your waist to get smaller, if you stick with it, they say that your hard work will pay off. Eating a healthy diet while prioritizing cardio exercises and strength training (especially those that target the shoulders and upper back) will make your whole body leaner. Besides having a smaller waist, Santos says that these changes can also lead to better posture, having more energy, and even a mood boost. With so many benefits, there’s no time to waist, er, waste!

Next up, see eight simple ways to lose belly fat naturally. 

