Best Christmas gift for Merced this year? Local writer says a Trader Joe’s would be nice

Nati Harnik/AP

So, this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, a new one just begun.

⎯ John Lennon

Lennon’s words strike a dulcet yet challenging chord every Yuletide. This is the ninth year my annual “Wish List” for Merced has requested 10 things from the powers that be (and others) to help improve our area’s quality of life. This year, many of my past suggestions were realized. It is hoped that we can continue to answer Lennon’s query with the two-word response: “A lot.” With that, here’s my ninth annual Holiday Wish List for Merced:

1. T.J.’s. While the doors of a Sprouts market are slated to open soon, I’d still love to see my longtime wish list request for a Trader Joe’s granted. There’s a TJ’s in every UC town but Merced. Even Davis, a smaller UC town in the Valley, has a TJ’s. Why not Merced?

2. Best arboreal practices. Our “Tree City USA” designation merits city staff reaching out to form partnerships, utilizing UC Merced and Merced Master Gardeners’ expertise, to write a “best practices” policy for planting and placement of trees that are both native and water wise. The city should also hire a certified arborist.

3. Noise abatement. Cars with “souped up” sound systems and engines need serious “down-souping.” Citations might help, using a rate of, perhaps, $20 per decibel above 75 Db, which should send a loud message.

4. Install speed bumps. After the fatality that occurred after an alleged racing incident on M Street in October, let’s dedicate slow zones, add speed bumps or, basically, do whatever it takes to decelerate drivers who seem to be practicing for the Indy 500. And please, let’s keep installing those roundabouts!

5. Designated homeless area. Let’s pass a county ordinance that limits camping to a single designated area. Such a specified homeless camping area could be outfitted with security, and, of course, low-maintenance bathrooms and showers.

6. Art parks Last year, I applauded the fact area artists were given free rein to paint utility boxes throughout town. How about designating a space (or spaces) for sculptors to place art, too? Such sculpture gardens are huge tourist draws, and there are none in the San Joaquin Valley. Maybe we could open the first.

7. Lake Yosemite nature path. The county should build a nature path with informative signage that would encircle Lake Yosemite (including a pedestrian bridge over the canal that feeds the lake.)

8. Red light scofflaws. Having almost been killed twice this past year by drivers who ignore red lights, I suggest that we start seriously enforcing traffic laws. Let’s also remember to use our signals and please — everyone — drive defensively.

9. Another In-N-Out. I don’t do the fast-food thing often, but when I do it’s usually to In-N-Out burger drive-ins. The problem is, there are always 15 to 20 cars in the Merced drive-thru. It would sure be nice to have a second In-N-Out in town that could alleviate the wait.

10. Peace and goodwill. ‘Tis the season of giving and goodwill, so my paramount wish is for us all to go out of our way to show kindness and understanding. Yes, especially to those folks on the other side of our various political fences. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!
