The Best 100 Funny Movies of All Time

funny movies

Laugh it up with the top funny movies of all time

It may sound like a cliché (and kind of is), but sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine. There’s a reason some of the best movies of all time are comedies, after all. What better way to take a break from today’s constant attention-span-sapping, rapid-fire information bombardment than to sit down and lose yourself in a full-length movie? There are plenty of funny movies that are good for a laugh, but which ones stand the test of time?

We’ve compiled 100 of the best funny movies from the 1930s to today so you’ll never run out of funny movies to watch. We gathered the best rom-coms, slapsticks, screwballs, teen comedies, and comedic classics based on their critical acclaim, popularity, influence on pop culture and genre, and commercial success. Start streaming and get to laughing! For a family movie night, check out these classic family movies and funny kid movies.

The post The Best 100 Funny Movies of All Time appeared first on Reader's Digest.
