Go Behind the Scenes of 'The Buccaneers' with Guy Remmers

buccaneers set photos
Behind the Scenes of 'The Buccaneers'Courtesy Apple TV+

"Every single day I was on set, I was so excited and happy to be there," Guy Remmers says of his time filming The Buccaneers in Scotland. "What I remember most is being in the car going to set, so excited to tell this story."

It's no wonder. The series, streaming now on Apple TV+, is an adaptation of Edith Wharton's final, unfinished book, and tells the dishy, dramatic story of American heiresses who've made their way to England in order to marry well—with more than a few bumps in the road along the way.

Another highlight of filming the series? "In between scenes, we were such a close, tight knit group of friends," Remmers says. "We hung out a lot and almost all of us lived in the same apartment block in Edinburgh. We would hang out, play video games, and go out for dinners as a cast—or we'd go out dancing. I'd love to have a dance battle with another cast of a series because I reckon our cast could be the best dancers of any cast out there. So, if anyone wants to challenge us to a dance off, be warned.

Here, Remmbers opens his camera roll to T&C to share a behind-the-scenes look at The Buccaneers, and the moments that didn’t make it on screen.

"That is where we shot the interiors for episode four, which takes place in New York. It's also where I learned that modern-day Glasgow looks more like old New York than current New York does."

guy remmers the buccaneers set photos
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"This is probably one of the top five moments of my life. This was when we shot the scene where Theo and Nan—played by me and Kristine Frøseth—ride horses on the beach. I had never ridden a horse prior to this job and had quite a lot of horse riding lessons, which I absolutely loved. Do you know that feeling of riding a horse? It's quite a magical feeling. I really loved it. And when I was doing my lessons, it was all leading up to this day. It was amazing to ride a horse on the beach for your job."

guy remmers the buccaneers set photos
Courtesy Guy Remmers

This is such a special photo to me. Here I am with Amelia Bullmore, who plays my character's mother, and who is incredible. My mom and I had watched her in things when I was younger, so it was amazing to act alongside someone I'd admired from a young age. Also, I posted this photo on my Instagram and so many people were asking what kind of camera it was, but I'm pretty sure it's just the portrait mode on someone's iPhone."

guy remmers the buccaneers set photos
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"Here, you see Matt Wicks, the legendary director of photography on episodes six, seven, and eight. I don't want to spoil anything, but this is from an episode which features a grand party and lots of interesting props—this probably being the most interesting. When I walked on the set, I had to do a double take. Is that a zebra dressed in that costume?"

guy remmers the buccaneers set photos
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"You see me and the incredible Josh Dylan, who plays Richard Marable. I think the picture speaks for itself: This is Josh throwing me up in the air. Have you ever seen anyone look happier?"

the buccaneers set photos guy remmers
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"When I'm in my trailer, I'm mostly eating. Sometimes I'd be listening to podcasts or going over scripts. A lot of the time if I knew, for instance, that Matthew [Broome[ was in on a certain day and that we were doing a scene together, I would take my food to his trailer and we'd eat and go over the lines together."

the buccaneers set photos guy remmers
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"In between takes when Kristine and I were shooting a scene where both of our characters are swimming and then have their first interaction. Although it was actually quite a nice day, the water was very cold and when we came out, they would wrap us in these green kind of blanket gowns, which I do think look really cool. I could see these on a runway somewhere. Do you know in marathons when someone finishes and they put that silver thing over them? That's what it is on the inside."

the buccaneers set photos guy remmers
Courtesy Guy Remmers

"This is the interior for the debutante ball, which is the big ball in an early episode. We've got Matthew, Kristine, Josie Totah, Immy Waterhouse, and Christina Hendricks. The man in the blue is Toby Sedgwick, our movement director. This was an amazing day with lots of people and bodies to coordinate, and it was also one of the first days when all the cast members were in the same place at the same time. It was really exciting, as shown by the vibes. And everyone looks incredible. Matthew looks like he should be the next James Bond."

the buccaneers set photos guy remmers
Courtesy Guy Remmers

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