Because of Kennewick’s levy failure, this Herald letter writer is making a donation

She’ll donate levy money to KSD

I am writing today representing mothers, grandmothers and aunties. I am still recovering from the double levy failure for the Kennewick School District. The children I know, including my neighbors’ children, love their teachers and schools in Kennewick.

I’m making a deductible tax donation to the nonprofit of my choice, the Kennewick School District, in the amount of my levy tax for the KSD. A fair amount, to support my community and children. I plan to deliver my check at a Kennewick School Board meeting.

Some were confused about the levy; I was not. I read the fliers and information on the KSD website about the specific costs and what we lost — $20.65 million plus $14 million in matching funds from the state, 11% of the budget. $1.75 per $1,000 per assessed property tax value, a replacement levy.

Staff impacted are coaches, advisers, nurses, psychologists, officers and security.

Reserve funds are available in the short run for 2023, but cannot sustain another $34 million dollar loss due to fear and forgetting to vote. Plan now to support children, staff, public education and vote in the next levy election on February 2023 for our children and grandchildren.

Dottie Stevens, Kennewick

Roe ruling shows GOP misogyny

Roe v. Wade has finally fallen. I am appalled when a bunch of old white men dictate what women can (or can’t) do with their bodies. I’m talking both the Supreme Court and our legislatures. Forcing women to give birth to an unwanted child invites many problems for both the mother and the child. But no conservative cares about that.

I suggest that you write a bill that punishes the male half of the equation. Since he is equally responsible, he must have an obligation to the mother and child. As usual, the male just walks away. and the woman bears all the responsibility. Why can’t you support the idea of women planning their family when they want? Please try to stop the apparent misogyny that your party is so clearly demonstrating.

David King, Richland

Will bail money be next solicitation?

Sadly I don’t have the exact date when (the Tri-City Herald) published the story of Washingtonians who paid out $2.7 million to a bogus Election Fraud Campaign; contributions apparently went in another direction. In a fat pocket worn by a grifter.

I received one of these solicitations calling on me to send money. The son declared if I did not contribute, my name would be put on a persona non-grata list and given to his father. Also mentioned was how I could receive a personal invitation to West Palm Beach to pal with 45 (never have read of any donor actually winning, hanging out ... one more lie?).

Lies and deception, the hallmark of someone who lives by the famous words attributed to P. T. Barnum (“... born every minute.”)

Perhaps one day a collection by the faithful might be taken up for his bail.

Bink Owen, Walla Walla

End to Roe brings even greater evil

A message to Justices Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas:

Congratulations on your brilliant start in turning our beloved country into a Fourth Reich. We will now become a nation of busybodies and snitches spying on each other, neighbor ratting out neighbor – an Afghanistan.

However unfortunate abortion might be, you have launched a much greater evil.

Sometimes it is an abortion when a fetus is allowed to live, as in your wretched cases. May almighty God have justice upon your worthless damned souls.

Eugene R. Walker, Richland
