Bath Township supervisor announces resignation in letter laying out grievances

BATH TOWNSHIP — The township supervisor, Marie Howe, announced her resignation in a letter this week, and the board is expected to accept her decision during a Monday evening meeting.

Howe's resignation letter is included as an action item in the township's agenda for tonight's 6 p.m. meeting. In Michigan, a township resignation is effective once the board votes to accept the resignation. Howe's letter said she planned to turn in her keys at midnight Nov. 5. It's unclear whether she intends to attend tonight's meeting.

Howe did not immediately respond to a phone message seeking comment, but her letter lays out a number of grievances.

"Actions taken against me by the Bath Charter Township Board of Trustees and Administration have led to the elimination of my non-statutory duties, a stolen table, changes in the Board of Trustees Rules, false criminal charges, being locked out of township offices after closing hours, our Board of Trustees dereliction of responsibility to appoint qualified township board members along with qualified administration members, refusal to pay my legal fee required to defend myself against false criminal charges and the failure to allow the return to my office," Howe wrote in her resignation letter.

The supervisor has been embattled during her tenure. She spent much of the year defending against a claim that she assaulted a township employee in township hall in November 2022. Howe was acquitted this past summer of a misdemeanor assault charge. Clinton County District Judge Michael Clarizio ruled there was no physical evidence or reliable testimony supporting the charge.

In her letter, Howe says that the Oct. 11 township meeting, during which a new trustee was appointed, led to her decision to resign.

"The Oct. 11 special meeting to appoint a new trustee was a continuation of showing total disregard to our electorate and candidates who submitted applications for the appointed position," Howe wrote. "In 2020, the voters voice was loud and clear to NOT elect the incumbent supervisor, but at this time the Bath Charter Township Legislative Body dismissed the voice of its voters under the guise of needing an experienced person. There were many qualified candidates that night who put themselves in a position of vulnerability only to be dismissed for an applicant who was not present at the meeting."

Applicants listed on the board agenda included former Supervisor Jack Phillips; Kate Hagerman, a teacher; Ray Kotke, who is co-chair of the township planning commission; Michael Piper, who has been a construction general foreman and superintendent; and Jeremy Tolliver, an electrician and project manager in construction.

"At the conclusion of this 'meeting,' it became crystal clear to me how the voter's voice was meaningless to our township. This action at the 'Special Meeting' was a significant reminder that nothing had changed since being falsely accused of a criminal act by Township staff," Howe wrote.

She said despite the grievances, "it has been an honor to be elected and serve our community."

Howe won the Democratic primary for supervisor in 2020, beating incumbent Jack Phillips, and was unopposed in the general election. During her trial over the summer, she and her attorney, Stuart Shafer, suggested animus from the election might have played into strained relations at the township hall.

Township Superintendent Karen Hildebrandt also did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Information in the board packet from Hildebrandt notes the board has 45 days to appoint either a member of the public or a member of the current board to take Howe's place as supervisor. If no one is appointed within 45 days of the vacancy, which becomes official once Howe's resignation is accepted, then the clerk must schedule a special election.

Contact Mike Ellis at or 517-267-0415

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Bath Township supervisor announces resignation in letter laying out grievances
