Batgirl star Leslie Grace teases whether character can return to DCU after axed film

Batgirl actress Leslie Grace is keeping her fingers crossed for the superhero's future within the DC Universe.

In a stunning move last summer, Warner Bros indefinitely shelved Grace's solo movie, which had completed filming and would see her Barbara Gordon face off against Brendan Fraser's Firefly over on HBO Max.

Now, opening up to Variety about this skin-thickening experience, the star shared her hopes for potentially appearing in The Batman Part II, which is reported to feature more of the Bat family.

Related: Batgirl directors respond to film being axed

"We've definitely had conversations about Batgirl's future and how Batgirl can make a resurgence," revealed Grace.

"I think fans are looking forward to seeing that. We'll just see where that takes us; I can't say one way or the other if that is a reality at this point.

"I can't speak too much about a future for Batgirl or guarantee anything. The last thing that I would want to do is give folks any kind of inkling of something that I have not much control over — as we've learned."

leslie grace wearing batgirl costume
Warner Bros.

Related: New DC boss defends not releasing Batgirl movie

Further along, the In the Heights star also got candid about the collapse of Batgirl.

"It was like deflating a balloon," she said of her mindset at the time. "On that day, I was very much just taking it all in, but also so sure of the magic that happened — in my experience and what I saw in my cast, in our team — that I was like, 'This must be some crazy thing that we have no control over.'

"I tend to be a very optimistic and positive person in these types of circumstances, and I just really leaned on the beauty of the idea that I got to have this experience in my life. Even though I would've loved to share that with the rest of the world, nothing can take that experience away from us."

A nice philosophy.

The Batman is available to buy now on 4K Blu-ray, standard Blu-ray and DVD.

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